Daily Lesson for Monday 17th of June 2024
In the coming crisis over worship, God’s faithful people will not yield to worldly pressures (Revelation 14:12). They will be sealed by the Holy Spirit (Ephesians 4:30) and cannot be moved. In ancient times, seals attested to the authenticity of official documents. They were a distinctive, individualized mark. Since the final conflict centers on worship and God’s authority as revealed in His law, we would expect God’s seal to be embedded in His law (compare Isaiah 8:16).
Read Exodus 20:8-11. What elements of a seal are contained in the Sabbath commandment?
Here we have three elements of an authentic seal: (1) the name to whom the seal belongs, “the Lord thy God;” (2) His title, the One who “made”—the Creator; (3) and His territory, “heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is.” A seal is sometimes called a sign in the Bible (Romans 4:11). The two words are interchangeable. As God’s sign or seal in the heart of God’s law, the Sabbath is at the center of the final conflict over worship (Ezekiel 20:12,20; Revelation 12:17).
Compare Revelation 7:1-2 and Revelation 14:1 with Revelation 13:16-17. Where are the seal of God and the mark of the beast received? Why do you think there is a difference?
The seal of God is placed on the forehead. The forehead is a symbol of the mind and represents a conscious decision.
The mark of the beast is received either in the forehead or in the hand indicating that people are convinced intellectually and by their own choice accept Satan’s lies or, alternatively, they conform to false worship to avoid being killed.
The devil hates those who are obedient to God. The great controversy comes to a climax when the dragon (Satan) wages war on the believing remnant, who “keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus” (Revelation 14:12, NKJV). They are settled in their loyalty to Christ.
Why is day-by-day faithfulness to the Lord the key to being prepared when the final crisis arrives?

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