What is natural selection? Charles Darwin is widely known as the father of the theory of evolution. He is most known for his theory and book, “The Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection or the Preservation of Favored Races in the Struggle for Life.” Natural selection, according to Darwin, is the ability to create all biological diversity, the complete array of animals and plants, from one or a few very simple organisms. It is the process through which organisms with specific characteristics tend to live longer and produce more offspring than organisms without these characteristics– the survival of the fittest. Biblically, there is no natural selection in the first two chapters of Genesis. There is no scarcity of resources, no struggle for existence, no predation, no death. Plants nourish animals and humans, while plants feed on water, air, and sunlight. Different organisms were designed to work together and help one other in a variety of ways. However, when Adam and Eve chose to eat the forbidden fruit, they also chose to stop depending on God. Though God created a beautiful world free of pain, sorrow, death, and natural selection, these things began to appear as a result of human disobedience. Now, animals fight for survival, there is predation and death. The good news is that God is preparing a New Earth where everything will be restored to its original state. Watch the video to understand natural selection from a Biblical perspective. (link) ————————————————————————————-
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