A new year has just begun, and if you’re like me, you love new things. A new car, a new house, new beginnings, and even a blank new page. But to Heaven, the best “new” of all is a soul saved for God’s kingdom. Maha was a thief, and a thief of the worst kind. He not only robbed people of their goods and their cattle, but the large-scale attacks he carried out with his gang of thieves terrorized the community and struck fear in the hearts of the villagers. His escapades became so notorious that Maha feared his neighbors would turn him in to the military police. So when he learned of a possible ambush, Maha fled his village and took refuge at his aunt and uncle’s house in another town. But unbeknownst to Maha, God had led him there, because his family listened to Adventist World Radio every day! Maha had no choice but to listen. Day after day, he learned things he’d never heard before. Then one day, something caught his attention. The more he heard it, and the more he listened, the more he wanted that “something” for himself. But was it possible? Watch this video to find out what Maha wanted so badly and how God was able to change his heart and turn his life around completely. May this new year be a year of renewed commitment, of new opportunities to share God’s message, and of new victories for His kingdom. We are living in unprecedented times, and we’ve been granted exceptional opportunities to share the good news of Christ’s soon return with the world. Let’s make the most of it! Yours in the Blessed Hope, Duane McKey
President MB01X2GIHHXF2N6
HRVEQ31XW8IFHXVR Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kRWm1CPv6tE