Faith had a problem. She had discovered a radio station that she loved. In fact, it was the only station she listened to—drawn to its programs of hope and truth. But this was an Adventist station, and her husband hated Adventists! So she listened in secret, hoping he would never find out. Every morning when her husband left for work, she would wave goodbye, and as soon as he was gone, she’d pull out her little radio and listen to her favorite programs. Faith would often jot down notes of what she learned and carefully study them later. But she lived in fear of being caught. One day she heard the truth about the Sabbath and decided she wanted to be baptized.
The radio station announced that a large baptism would be held at the close of the series, and Faith decided this was her chance. But how could she go to the baptism without her husband finding out? Watch this video below for the stunning conclusion of this story. Sometimes God has a sense of humor even while in the solemn business of saving souls for His kingdom. And I especially love it when He uses Adventist World Radio to do it! Yours in the Blessed Hope, Duane McKey
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