ANN continues to bring you encouraging reports from the Adventist community around the world: In North America, the Adventist church leadership condemns the recent acts of violence and hate against the unfairly targeted Asian-American community. The leaders call all church members to stand up and support their Asian brothers and sisters, creating a safe space for them and manifesting Christ-like compassion. North American Division (NAD) president G. Alexander Bryant emphasized the essence of loving one another as stated in John 13:34. The Seventh-day Adventists also mourn and pray with the community of Boulder, Colorado, after a senseless act of violence claimed the lives of 10 individuals. The Rocky Mountain Conference expressed its sympathy to the victims’ families, the traumatized workers who witnessed the scene, and the shooter’s family. The Boulder church provided support with members available to listen and pray with those in need. Adventist Community Services has also been mobilized and awaiting instructions from the State of Colorado on what aid they can provide to the cause. Meanwhile, disastrous flooding due to extreme rainfall forced Adventist schools across Australia’s Greater Sydney Conference and North New South Wales Conference to close. Road closures also keep some church members from accessing necessities. The Adventist church started collecting donations while the North New South Wales Conference and the Adventist Development and Relief Agency worked to provide assistance for those evacuated or otherwise affected. In Papua New Guinea, the Adventist-run adult literacy class continues to change lives. Youth to adults, ages 14 to 25, who missed formal education in their childhood, learned literacy, numeracy, and life skills from the program. As literacy skills were primarily taught through Bible reading, some students have now decided to stand for Jesus. In Panama, Seventh-day Adventist schools will benefit from the government’s recent resolution to give financial aid to parents who have been unable to pay for their children’s schooling since the school year ended in December. Resolve No. 4074, voted on November 30, 2020, was pushed through given the escalating economic and health crisis. Watch this news and more mission stories and let us know your thoughts. Source: