It is good for me to draw near to God: I have put my trust in the Lord God, that I may declare all thy works. Psalm 73:28.
If ever there was a time in the history of Seventh-day Adventists when they should arise and shine, it is now. No voice should be restrained from proclaiming the third angel’s message. Let none, for fear of losing prestige with the world, obscure one ray of light coming from the Source of all light.
It requires moral courage to do the work of God for these last days, but let us not be led by the spirit of human wisdom. The truth should be everything to us. Let those who want to make a name with the world go with the world. The great conflict is right at hand in which all will take sides. In it the whole Christian world will be involved. Daily, hourly, we must be actuated by the principles of the Word of God. Self must be sanctified by the principles of the righteousness, the mercy, and the love of God.
At every point of uncertainty, pray, and earnestly inquire, “Is this the way of the Lord?” With your Bibles before you, consult with God as to what He would have you do. Holy principles are revealed in the Word of God. The source of all true wisdom is found in the cross of Calvary.
Everywhere we see increasing evidence that the message we have from God is to be the last message of warning to the churches of the world. Yet year after year is passing into eternity, and the churches are unwarned. I am instructed to speak to my brethren and to ask, “Are we conscious of the neglect?” I have been given message after message for our brethren encouraging them to begin work in every place where the way shall open. If laborers would go forth to the work, the Lord would bless their own souls, and would make their efforts fruitful. As the people hear the reasons of our faith, they will become interested, and will be converted. There are many important places open to those who will work for souls. We should not be selfish in seeking to retain workers long in one place, but should be willing to sacrifice that the work may be begun in other cities that need the light of truth.
Let us urge those who have been converted from error to truth to become missionaries for the extension of the knowledge of truth. Invent some way of becoming acquainted with the people…. If you will work with wisdom, with heart and soul interest, and with earnest prayer to your heavenly Father, you will find access to souls….
Let those who are already at work open the way for others who desire to labor and who are qualified to take part in missionary effort.—Letter 94a, June 6, 1909, to “Dear Brethren and Sisters in Washington.”
The Upward Look p. 171
Prayer Requests
—-Please pray for all the many people affected by the virus.
—-Please pray for Robert, the son of my neighbor’s friend. He had a stroke today and is currently in the hospital.Shirley
—-Prayer request for a domestic/emotional situation. Barbara
—-Please pray for my mother she has a high fever and is in a nursing home quarantine. Jackie
—Please pray for my oldest daughter, she’s in a demonic home and desperately needs to move. But in these times finding a place in harder than ever. But I know that God is able. Please pray for her to find a new home as well as her safety. Sandra
Dear Friends,
Shortly after I was born, my parents divorced, so the only father-figure I had in my life was my grandfather, Edwin Harmon. (He and my grandmother had adopted me.) He was a very good and patient man and I learned much from him. Although my grandmother was nice to me, she really didn’t take time for me. Mostly she shooed me out to play or sat me down at the long dining room table and gave me a long word like “Washington” to make little words out of. Needless to say, I spent most of my time with my grandfather.
From the moment he came home from work, until I went to bed, I followed him everywhere. No matter what he did, he would explain things to me. I listened intently to his every word. When I watched him make change purses from pungent Moroccan leather, he let me smell the rich leather he used for his purses and explained the difference between the smells of quality and cheap leathers. When I watched him clean the fish he had caught, he showed me the still-beating heart and various other parts and without realizing it, I got a lesson in anatomy. I was there when he ate his bedtime snack of aged cheese, or ketchup and bread which he shared with me (which certainly did not help my weight problem any). As he ate that very strong cheese he loved, he would explain how it was made. No matter where my Grandfather was, you would find me.
Our Heavenly Father wants to have an even closer relationship with us. Our Great Creator yearns for us to spend time with Him and follow Him just like I followed my grandfather. Our Great Creator longs to speak to us through His Word and for us to listen to His voice, to hear our response, to interact with us throughout the day. He desires to have us ask Him anything, to talk with Him about our worries, to bring to Him our joys or our sorrows. He promises, “ I will instruct thee and teach thee in the way which thou shalt go: I will guide thee with mine eye.” Ps 32:8
Jesus assures us, “If a man love me, he will keep my words: and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him.” John 14:23 Just before His final moments, Jesus prayed, “Father, I will that they also, whom thou hast given me, be with me where I am; that they may behold my glory, which thou hast given me.” 17:24 Indeed, Jesus is coming soon and soon we will be able to follow Him wheresoever He goes for He “will dwell with [us], and [we] shall be his people, and God himself shall be with [us], and be [our] God.” Rev 21:3 Praise the Lord! We do not have to wait until we are in Heaven to be near to Him. That close walk can begin now. May we, beginning this very day and continuing throughout our life, have that close and loving relationship with our Dear Father in Heaven that He so yearns for us to have.