Dear Friend, During the last few years, I have shared news from some of the most remote and inhospitable places of the world, where God’s Word is reaching people directly in their homes through the power of radio. But there’s a mission field that is considered one of the most difficult—far above those of remote jungles—that still needs to be reached with the gospel message. I’m talking about the countries of Europe. Adventist World Radio has been diligently working to position radio stations throughout these countries with only one mission: to proclaim the good news that Jesus is coming soon! Watch this video, where I share news from Paris, France. We were there last month to dedicate an AWR station that will cover this populous city—and we already have stations in Marseille and Monaco! But there’s more, because this coming year, we’re launching one of our most daring projects yet: Europe for Christ, where we plan to reach all the major cities of Europe with live evangelistic series preached by all who are willing to join us in this project. I can’t wait to see what God will do in Europe—and I love that He will use Adventist World Radio—and you—to do it! Yours in the Blessed Hope, Duane McKey