Panorama of Prophecy: Episode 12 | "River of Life" | Doug Batchelor Bible Questions: 00:00 – Intro
08:27 – Why does the Temple need cleansing, and what is being cleansed?
10:16 – What was in the Most Holy Place after the Temple was re-built by Ezra and Nehemiah? What represented the Mercy Seat?
11:30 – Please explain Mark 16 verse 18. What was Jesus taking about? 13:22 – What Angel Is God referring to in Exodus 23 verse 20 through 23? Who will guide the Israelite in which way to go, and who has his name in him?
14:34 – Revelation says that the wicked are cast into the Lake of Fire following the Judgement. Is anyone burning in Hell now?
14:59 – What are the best Bible Prophecies for me to share with friends that don't fully believe in the Bible?
17:12 – In Genesis 7 verse 2 and 3, is there 14 clean animals?
19:15 – Are we to daily strive for Holiness? Can one obtain Holiness on this Earth?
20:07 – Please explain why James, the brother of Jesus, is older than Jesus.
21:59 – If there are are two Tribes of Israel that were from Jospehs sons, Manasseh and Ephraim, Wouldn't that make 14 tribes instead of 12?
23:46 – How do we know that the Protestant Bible is the right one compared to the Catholic Bible?
25:20 – Did Job live after or before the Flood?
26:57 – What is the right response if your wife asks you, "How do I look", and unfortunately she doesn't look flattering? Do you lie, or tell the truth?
31:13 – Sermon – "River of Life" Source: