Panorama of Prophecy: Episode 13 | "The Final Firestorm" | Doug Batchelor Bible Questions: 00:00 – Intro
06:40 – What is Profession of Faith?
07:21 – Is it necessary for one to get re-baptized, if they never turned away from the Faith, but spent several years away from church and compromising their lifestyle?
08:26 – What will be the role of the Holy Spirit after the Second Coming? Are there Scriptures to support the role of the Holy Spirit in Heaven and the New Earth?
09:34 – What do you do with an old Bible that has fallen apart? How do you dispose of it?
10:32 – What is a good age for a young person to get baptized? 12:51 – Does Jesus have a last name?
14:00 – Who were the two witnesses of Revelation 11?
15:51 – Is it possible to use technology to spread the Gospel around the World where man comes short?
17:27 – Explanation of Isaiah 58 verse 13 and how we should keep the Sabbath.
19:33 – Aren't we filled with the Holy Spirit when we accept Jesus? If not, how should we go about receiving the Holy Spirit, and how will I know when I am filled?
24:49 – Sermon – "The Final Firestorm" Source: