Panorama of Prophecy: Episode 5 | "The Glorious Kingdom" | Doug Batchelor Bible Questions: 00:00 – Intro
07:35 – What is the Testimony of Jesus mentioned in Revelation?
08:52 – Does God withdraw His protection from us because we sin? Or does our sin cause God to withdraw?
10:20 – Can you have a percentage of the Holy Spirit, or is it more like you have the Holy Spirit or you don't?
11:22 – Do we know how long the time of trouble will last? How long will we not be able to buy or sell?
13:33 – How can we know what is symbolic, figurative, or literal in the book of Revelation? 15:03 – Do we know what Jesus looked like when He was a man on Earth?
16:32 – Why were there three crosses at Calvary?
17:35 – Why did the Roman soldier pierce the side of Jesus?
18:58 – Where the two original covering cherubs Lucifer and Gabriel? Was Lucifer replaced by Michael the Ark Angel who is also Christ?
19:55 – Why are there more Prophets in the Old Testament, but not so many in the New Testament in in today's world?
21:04 – Why are God's words written in Prophecies? Why is the Bible written in Parables? Wouldn't the Bible hold more value If it was written in a more straightforward manner? Sermon 27:34 – "The Glorious Kingdom" Source: