Panorama of Prophecy: Episode 24 | "The Goal of the Godly" | Doug Batchelor Bible Questions: 00:00 – Intro
55:14 – When does the Sabbath begin, and when does it end?
56:26 – You mentioned that we do not have to confess our sins to a Priest, but didn't the Israelites do this when they took their sacrifice to the Temple?
57:31 – What is the right Bible version to use for Bible studies?
59:17 – Can two people get married between God and themselves, without a Minister or Court?
1:00:28 – If I have a special "prayer language" that feels right to use to communicate with God, then why would you say that is wrong?
1:01:45 – Explanation of Revelation 20 verse 8 and Revelation 21 verse 2.
1:04:31 – If the "Fires of Hell" are "unquenched", won't it last forever?
1:05:47 – When the Holy Spirit is withdrawn will our prayers still be heard?
1:06:39 – How was God created?
1:08:44 – Will we sleep in the New Heaven's and Earth?
1:15:11 – Sermon – "The Goal of the Godly" Source: