"The intercession of Christ in man's behalf in the sanctuary above is as essential to the plan of salvation as was His death upon the cross. By His death He began that work which after His resurrection He ascended to complete in heaven." The Great Controvery page 489 The calculation of the time indicated in Daniel 8 leads to the year 1844. A year when many honest people expected Jesus to come and while they were correct in the time calculation, they were wrong in the expected event. Assuming, as many Christians did, that the term sanctuary referred to the earth, their conclusion was that Jesus would come and cleanse the earth in 1844. However, through much Bible study and prayer, these early Adventists learned that the sanctuary referred in Daniel 8:14 is the heavenly sanctuary where Christ is ministering today for you and for me. The earthly sanctuary built by human hands, but following divine instructions was a type of the heavenly sanctuary. It served as an object lesson, illustrating the plan of salvation. That plan included a special time known as the Day of Atonement when the high priest entered the most Holy place and the sanctuary would be cleansed by the symbolic removal of sin. Now this important ceremony represents what began on October 22, 1844 when Christ entered the most Holy place of the heavenly sanctuary. The world is changing rapidly and yet, praise God, His word never changes. Place your hope in Jesus, our savior, our advocate, our high priest, and our soon coming King, he will never fail those who put their trust in him. Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BfaSjoHpqGk