In this video, Pastor Ted Wilson and Nancy Wilson will be talking about a very special topic – the #family and the upcoming “Family Togetherness Week”! #God cares about individuals, and He cares about families. The hope of a coming #Savior gave hope and courage to our first #parents, and it continues to give hope and courage to us today! Even though we live in a fallen world and experience the many challenges that brings, God designed the family to be a shining light for Him. Of course, you cannot have the home God wants you to have without having Him as the main component. One of the best ways as a family to do that is by taking time, morning and evening, to have family worship. Family worship is a great time to involve #children! Make it interesting, enjoyable, and not too long. Sing together. Read together. Pray together. God can help bring peace and joy into the home, and He can help everyone to work together. For families, it can become very complicated as you are pulled in so many directions, I realize how essential it is that children feel they are part of the family unit—that they aren’t just passive members being cared for. Involve them in age-appropriate home tasks, helping to keep things clean and running smoothly. Involve them in family discussions. If kids learn early to have responsibilities, they will have a sense of ownership in the family, knowing that they are an important part of the family. While God designed the family unit, He also created the larger family—the family of God—where we are all brothers and sisters in Christ! The Seventh-day Adventist Church is a wonderful worldwide family of more than 21 million members around the world! And now even during these challenging times, the worldwide Adventist Church family is coming together in new and exciting ways, encouraging one another, and reaching out to a world desperate for hope. And now, more than ever, it’s so important to be a “home missionary.” This is a wonderful way in which we can all, as members of God’s family, come together in service for Him. In fact, this coming week is “Family Togetherness Week.” Organized by the Family Ministries department of the General Conference, this is a special opportunity to spotlight the family—both individually, and as a Church. Resource materials are available here: Source: