Of all the gifts that God has given us, two of the most precious come from the Garden of Eden: the Sabbath and the family. These special gifts center on relationships—with God, and with the people closest to us. In this video, Pastor Ted Wilson will give six recommendations for strengthening the family. What are some practical things we can do to strengthen families? Here are six recommendations: 1. Take time each day for family worship – Have a daily family worship that is short and uplifting. Let the family be sent off in the morning with prayer and at night conclude with prayer. 2. Talk with and pray for your children. – It’s vital that you talk with your children. Ask them about school, their social lives, their spiritual development. Tell them you’re praying for them. Prayer helps your children know that you rely on God, and by modeling prayer, it tells them that they, too, need to rely on God. 3. Affirm and value your children. – Show your children that you appreciate them, and that they are unique individuals. Give them direction and encouragement toward something of eternal worth. Point them to the Lord as the source of all good things and encourage them in this direction. 4. Plan special times together. – Plan far in advance for special family activities. If you’re not intentional about creating activities, you’ll go through life without much interaction with your family. 5. Be the change you wish to see. – Families were meant to encourage, not to discourage. Intentionally reach out to your family members, whether they are near or far away. 6. Be your brother’s keeper. – Families are under enormous attack. Take courage from the Lord. The question that Cain asked, “Am I my brother’s keeper?” is answered by Christ as He showed an interest in everyone. This also extends to the church family. We are part of a global family of more than 20 million brothers and sisters—each with a responsibility to help nurture this wonderful, worldwide family. When we get to heaven, God won’t ask us about how much work we did in the church, or how many pamphlets we handed out—as good as those things are, that won’t be the primary focus. Instead He will ask, “What did you do with your family? Where is your little flock?” Each year the Family Ministries department of the General Conference creates resources to help strengthen families. Visit their website at www.family.adventist.org and download their Revival and Reformation e-book titled, Building Family Memories, edited by Family Life Directors, Willie and Elaine Oliver. This book is a great resource for anyone interested in strengthening their own family, as well as families in the church and the community. 00:00 Greetings
00:14 The most precious gifts from the Garden of Eden
00:46 Family
01:02 Ted Wilson's Sermon
02:50 First recommendation
05:07 Second recommendation
05:59 Third Recommendation
07:02 Fourth Recommendation
07:55 Fifth Recommendation
08:58 Sixth Recommendation
10:00 Never lose hope
13:14 Pastor's Prayer To follow our official social media accounts, just follow the links below:
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#TEDWILSON Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UL3MjzcPJx4