"In this video, we will look at one of the most #effective ways of being a #messenger for #Christ. In fact, this method goes all the way back to the prophet #Daniel and his three friends, when they were taken captive to #Babylon. As we read in Daniel, chapter 1, these young men were no ordinary captives—they were Hebrew nobility, good-looking, gifted in wisdom, possessing knowledge, and quick to understand. Instead of eating from the royal table, they requested a very simple, plant-based diet, and pure water to drink. Is temperance important? Does it really matter what we put into our bodies, and how we live? It certainly mattered for Daniel and his friends, and I believe it does for us today. For you see, following a healthy lifestyle not only strengthens our minds and bodies, but serves as a powerful witness to others. God wants everyone to be healthy—physically and emotionally, as well as spiritually! And how wonderful that in the Bible and the Spirit of Prophecy, God has given clear instructions on how to live healthfully—showing us what is best to eat, to drink, how to care for our bodies, and much more. Friends, Jesus tells us in John 10:10 that He came that we might have life, and that we might have it more abundantly. He invites us to enjoy living that more abundant life through His grace and power today! " Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fJnuWvMpybw