In this video, Pastor Ted Wilson shares some thoughts on Christ and His righteousness. This is such an important topic to understand as we are rapidly coming to the close of earth’s history. Jesus is indeed coming soon! In preparation for His soon return, Scripture invites us to humble ourselves, pray, seek God’s face, and turn from our wicked ways (see 2 Chronicles 7:14). However, some critics have accused Seventh-day Adventists as teaching or promoting legalism, that is, righteousness by works, but nothing could be further from the truth. As Seventh-day Adventists, we believe that salvation is through Christ and Christ alone! As we accept the power that accompanies justification, Christ begins to sanctify us—transforming us into His glorious image. This entire change is the all-encompassing righteousness of Christ. When we accept Jesus into our lives, a miraculous Spirit-filled conversion takes place and Christ changes us into His likeness so that we become more and more like Him. The provision for this right relationship is described in one of the most powerful verses of the Bible, 2 Cor. 5:21—“For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.” God, the Father, provided His perfect Son as a sacrifice for our sins that we would be able to take on the perfect righteousness of Christ. Through the leading of the Holy Spirit, as we confess our sins and fall at the foot of the cross, we are cleansed of our sins and re-created into the image of God. This is God’s all-encompassing righteousness—we are saved by grace and we live by faith—all through Jesus Christ! And when we accept Christ and His righteousness, we also follow Him in believing and accepting His beautiful truths revealed in the doctrines of the Bible—all centered in Him. We are totally dependent upon our relationship with Christ for sanctification. That is Christ’s righteousness. Let no Seventh-day Adventist think of themselves as better than anyone else or accuse others of not being holy or perfect. We are all sinners at the foot of the cross in need of a Savior who provides for us His righteousness. The character of Christ is perfectly reproduced in our lives when we lean completely on Christ alone. We must daily allow the Holy Spirit to change us more and more into the likeness of Christ. This is the work of a lifetime. We are to ask for Christ’s character in our lives as we learn practical obedience to His Word through His power. So how should we understand the plan of salvation in these last days of earth’s history? It is only Christ’s all-encompassing righteousness of justification and sanctification that will save, change, and nurture us into true disciples of Christ. It is something that Jesus does both for us and in us. Through His grace, we can have divine power and His character as we are made more and more like Him. The culmination of Christ’s saving grace and righteousness will be to welcome Him at His second coming—proof to the world of His justifying salvation and ability to change our lives through His sanctifying power. What a day that will be! 00:00 Greetings
00:19 Christ and His righteousness
00:56 Ted Wilson's Sermon
11:25 Pastor's Prayer To follow our official social media accounts, just follow the links below: