Did you know that this #Sabbath has been designated worldwide as “#Children’s Sabbath”? Pastor Ted #Wilson share this part of the Seventh-day #Adventist Special Emphasis Days and Events calendar, which you can find here: gc.adventist.org/events/special-days/ “Children are the heritage of the Lord,” we read in Psalm 127:3. And how true this is, in the family and in the Church! What could be more important than our precious children? Is your church friendly and supportive of the children and #youth? Do you take a personal interest in them? Do you know them by name? Have you shown them the love of #Jesus in the way you listen to them, showing that you care, encouraging them in their spiritual life? Sabbath School teachers, Children’s Ministries leaders, Pathfinder and Advent Youth leaders have a vital role in leading children and youth to Jesus, encouraging them to make Jesus their Best Friend and to share His love with others! But it’s not just up to these leaders, as important as they are. Let’s remember that the children and youth are watching us—you and me—to see how we live our faith. To see what kind of difference Jesus makes in our lives. Through His power, let’s let our lights shine brightly as we joyfully lead the young to Him! Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pc8nyygDITM