In this video, Pastor Ted Wilson will be discussing a very difficult, yet very important topic—#abuse. Abuse is a topic that no one wants to talk about, and yet it is one that must be addressed if we are to carry out our #mission of #hope and #healing. Every day, thousands of innocent people around the world—many of them children—experience abuse. Abuse comes in many forms—child sexual abuse, domestic violence, elder abuse, abuse by clergy, human trafficking, rape, female genital mutilation, and many other horrific forms. And sadly, abuse exists everywhere—even within the church. As a worldwide Church of caring, loving Christians, we must open our eyes to the fact that there are more people than we might imagine who are suffering deeply from the devastating effects of abuse. Jesus calls us to a ministry of hope and healing. But first, we must recognize the problem. Results from abuse can be devastating, leaving the victim feeling worthless, depressed, anxious, even suicidal. Those who have been abused are often more vulnerable to eating disorders, self-mutilation, substance abuse, and other destructive behaviors. As Seventh-day Adventists, we condemn abuse in all of its forms and embrace the healing ministry of Jesus. This is part of our God-given mission. This coming Sabbath, August 22, is a special day for raising awareness and advocating for the end of violence around the world. Known as “enditnow,” this global initiative developed by the Seventh-day Adventist Church was launched in 2009 and seeks to increase personal awareness, responsibility, and involvement in helping to stem the tide of this terrible evil. You can find more information about this special emphasis day by visiting It’s so important that we as leaders, and members, not only be aware of the signs of abuse, but actively take steps to prevent it from happening, listening carefully and compassionately to those who have experienced abuse, and taking action—such as taking preventive measures, reporting perpetrators to the proper authorities so the perpetrators can be held accountable. There are many helpful resources available online, including the website below where you can find more information: To those who have experienced some form of violence or abuse: My sister, my brother—God knows what has happened to you, and He cares. What happened to you is not your fault. I encourage you to talk with a trusted person today. You do not need to suffer in silence. Help is available now. And someday, God will bring about new life and complete healing. He promises in Malachi 4:2—“But for you who respect my name, the sun of vindication will rise with healing wings, and you will skip about like calves released from the stall” (NET). Source: