For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God. Ephesians 2:8.
We who have fallen through the transgression of the law of God have an Advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous. The way is open for everyone to prepare himself for the second appearing of Jesus Christ, that at His appearing we may be vindicated, having put away all evil, and having overcome through the cleansing blood of Christ. Through the intercession of Christ, the image of God is renewed in mind, and heart, and character. Through the blood of the only-begotten Son of God, we obtain redemption….
We are in this world to honor God, and from every devising that would in any way tempt us to dishonor our Redeemer, we must turn away. In Christ we have before us the Pattern of all righteousness. He has pledged Himself to be our Guide, our Preserver, our Governor….
We are transgressors of God’s law. Our only hope for salvation was in Christ taking upon Himself the guilt of our sins, bearing the penalty of transgression in His own body on the tree. He made a full oblation of sacrifice, and by that one oblation of Himself made it possible for us to live in obedience to God’s commands…. We are to become His loyal subjects, having pure and undefiled religion, and depending upon the one grand principle, “By grace are ye saved through faith.” …
I beseech everyone to walk and work in the fear of God. Satan is always seeking to bring poor souls who have lost their bearings to the settled determination that they will act as they please. We must stand where we reflect light….
God’s grace is great, and those who will press closer and closer to the side of Christ will not be overcome. We shall gain everything by drawing near to God and humbling ourselves before Him. As we do this, let us remember that we are heirs of God and joint heirs of Christ; that we are to be partakers of the divine nature.
I say to all, Let not one unholy thought or feeling be cherished. The power of the grace of Christ is wonderful. When the enemy comes in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord lifts up for the trusting believer a standard against the enemy. Pray, brethren and sisters, pray for your individual selves. The love and grace of Christ far surpass our finite conceptions. Plead as for your lives to be cleansed from everything that defileth. Put on Christ in deportment, and show an unselfish interest and kindness for the souls of all. We must catch the theme of redeeming love, and press on to know the Lord, that in simplicity we may reveal His character.—Letter 72, February 19, 1906, to “Brother and Sister Farnsworth.”
The Upward Look p. 64
Prayer Requests
—- I need a special prayer for my husband as he goes through treatment. Miracles have happened numberless times in our family in the past, and I have faith and trust in God for His healing hand, again. Helen
—-Please pray for a friend who is having health issues. Buck
Dear Friends,
Nearly twenty years ago, Eileen was driving the van we had at the time. She had spent the morning taking Marie (a lady who was taking Bible studies from us) to the doctor. Marie, who was elderly, babysat to supplement her Social Security check, so she had a little boy with her. After Eileen had dropped Marie back home, she headed toward our place. About a mile from where we live, she heard a strange noise coming from the steering column. Smoke followed the noise. Since she was only about a fourth of a mile from a mechanic’s shop, she decided to drive there quickly. She unbuckled her seatbelt just in case she had to get out quickly. By the time she got there, the smoke was billowing out from the hole where the emergency flasher had been. The little emergency flasher button had melted by this time and liquid plastic was dripping onto the carpet. (Thankfully, that dripping plastic missed her leg.) Arriving at the garage, Eileen jumped out of the van and ran inside. A mechanic put the fire out with an extinguisher.
After the problem was fixed, Eileen and I thought of what would have happened if it had caught fire somewhere on the highway or downtown while she was transporting Marie and that little boy. No doubt, the fire would have spread and they could have been hurt and certainly the van would have been ruined.
How good God is! He “in whose hand is the soul of every living thing, and the breath of all mankind” didn’t allow that shorted-out wire to cause a problem until Eileen was near to someone who could fix it. Job 12:10 Indeed, He watches over all of His Creation and nothing happens without His notice. We may hear of terroristic threats, nation may rise against nation, yet we have the assurance that He will keep us as the apple of His eye, He will hide us under the shadow of His wings. (Luke 21:10; Zech 2:8, Ps 91:4) Nahum praises, “The LORD is good, a strong hold in the day of trouble; and he knoweth them that trust in him.” Nahum 1:7 Nothing can happen unless the Great King of the Universe allows it.
May we trust in the Lord with all our heart for He is our help and our shield and our strong salvation! (Ps 115:11) May we place our weak and trembling hand in His Strong and Mighty Hand trusting Him in all situations is my prayer.