Although #nature reveals the majesty and power of #God, it doesn't reveal the plan of #salvation. God's written Word is the clearest and fullest revelation of #Jesus, the Living Word. We talk about Jesus when we tell people what they must do to be saved. But how can we expect to know anything about Jesus without the #Bible? Without the Bible, how can we know anything about the worldwide war between good and evil? Or God’s love? Or Jesus’ life and death? Or the Second Coming? Jesus says, “ ‘You study the #Scriptures [Bible] carefully. You study them because you think they will give you eternal [everlasting] life. The Scriptures you study are a witness [proof] about me’ ” (John 5:39, NIrV). Every Bible-teaching shows us what is in Jesus’ heart. We share Bible truth so that we can show people the love of Jesus. Sabbath School Lesson 7: Source: