In #Daniel 9, we read one of the most beautiful prayers in the #Bible. Daniel prays when times are hard. Prayer helps Daniel meet the problems that come his way. Remember when King #Nebuchadnezzar is about to kill Daniel and his friends because none of the king’s wise men can explain the king’s dream (Daniel 2)? What does Daniel do? He prays. Later, King #Darius makes a law that says no one can pray to anyone but the king. What does Daniel do again? He continues to pray. As he prays, his face is turned to Jerusalem (Daniel 6). As we think about the prayer in Daniel 9, let us remember something. Daniel cannot stop thinking about the 2,300 days in Daniel 8. Yes, Daniel understands most of the dream. But he cannot understand when the time message starts or ends in history. “It will take 2,300 evenings and mornings. Then the temple will be made holy again” (Daniel 8:14, NIrV). Then in chapter 9, an angel gives Daniel more information about the 2,300 days. As before, Daniel prays. Then understanding comes to Daniel in answer to his #prayer. Sabbath School Lesson 10: Source: