Though it’s always nice to have archaeological evidence that supports our #faith, why must we learn not to make our faith depend upon these things, as helpful as they might at times be? The #Bible shows us #history. First, the Bible shows us the beginning of human life when #God made the sky and the earth. Then the Bible shows us the history of God’s people from the beginning to the end of time. Finally, the Bible shows us that God will make the earth new again at His Second Coming. The Bible’s record of history makes the Bible different from the holy books of other religions. The Bible shows us a God who is personal. The Bible does not try to prove that God is real. It just teaches that He lives. He acts in human history. In the beginning, God speaks. His words make all the life there is on earth (Genesis 1:1–31). God commands Abram to leave Ur, the land of the Chaldees. God brings His people out of slavery in Egypt. God writes the Ten Commandments on stone with His own finger (Exodus 31:18). God sends prophets, or special messengers, to His people. God gives His law to Israel and asks them to share His saving plan with other people. God sends His Son #Jesus to the earth and changes history forever. This week, we will look at some important happenings in Bible history. We also will look at some of the proof that shows us that Bible history is true. Sabbath School Lesson 10: Source: