In 548/547 b.c., God gives #Daniel another dream. We can read about that dream in Daniel 8. This dream gives us more information about God’s work as Judge in Daniel 7. You will remember that the dreams in Daniel 2 and Daniel 7 start with #Babylon. But the dream in Daniel 8 leaves out Babylon and starts with Media-Persia. At this time (548/547 b.c.), Babylon already was losing power. The Persians were ready to replace Babylon as the most powerful kingdom on earth. We will see that the dream in Daniel 8 gives us the same information as Daniel 7. Yes, the word pictures change in Daniel 8. That is because Daniel 8 shows us that God will clean the temple in heaven from sin. So, Daniel 8 talks about what happens in God’s temple in heaven during the end times. But Daniel 7 shows us heaven’s courtroom. It also shows the Son of Man getting the kingdom. Daniel 8 shows that God will make the temple in heaven clean. So, we see that God’s work of cleaning heaven’s temple in Daniel 8 is connected to His work as Judge in Daniel 7. Sabbath School Lesson 9: Source: