For this week's #SabbathSchool Lesson, we will study what it means to live by the #Bible. We will look at what it means to let the Bible have the final say in how we live too. Think about what has been your own experience with using the Scriptures in your battle with temptation. That is when tempted, did you start reading the Bible or quote #Scripture? What happened as a result, and what have you learned from that experience? The best plan for studying the Bible will not help us if we will not live by the #truth we learn from the Bible. What is true about education also is true about studying the Bible. You learn best by doing what you learn. When we obey Bible truth, then God will give us many #blessings. God will not give us these blessings if we do not take the time to obey what we learn. Our obedience will change our lives in exciting ways. It also will make us smart and wise. So, we must be willing to live what we learn from the Bible. Then our faith will grow strong. We will be powerful witnesses for #Jesus too. Our lives will be in perfect harmony with the #truth we share with other people. We grow in #wisdom and #mercy when we read about Jesus. He is the best example. We must copy His life. He lived in full agreement with God’s plan. Sabbath School Lesson 13: Source: