#God calls us to #witness for Him. Witnessing is not a gift only offered to a few. When we answer His calling there are unlimited possibilities for anyone to serve Him through the gift of the Holy #Spirit. The #Bible uses different word pictures to talk about our work as witnesses for God. Jesus says we must be the same as “ ‘the light that shines for the world [all the people on the earth] to see’ ” (Matthew 5:14, ERV). This same God who commands us to tell people about Him also helps us to do it. God gives #spiritual gifts to each believer. God does not choose people with a lot of education. He educates the ones He calls to serve Him. God freely gives salvation to all people who believe. In the same way, God gives His spiritual gifts freely to everyone. So, we must give ourselves fully to God. Then there will not be any limit to what we can do for God. “There is no limit to what a person can do when he puts self away. But first, he must allow the Spirit to work on his heart. And he or she must live fully for God.”—Ellen G. White, The Ministry of Healing, page 159, adapted. This week, we will study all that we can do when God’s Spirit lives in us. Sabbath School Lesson 6: https://absg.adventist.org/pdf.php?file=2020:3Q:ER:PDFs:ERQ320_06.pdf Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wO8ya1bOGMQ