Daily Lesson for Sunday 20th of October 2024
As last week’s lesson illustrated, the Gospel of John begins with Jesus Christ, the Word, in His eternal existence before Creation. But in that same prologue, John the Baptist appears as a witness to Jesus. Some Jews in Jesus’ time expected two messiahs, one priestly and the other royal. John clearly teaches that John the Baptist did not claim to be one of these messiahs but, rather, was a witness to the one true Messiah.
Read John 1:19-23. How did John the Baptist explain his ministry and mission?
The religious leaders sent priests and Levites to ask John who he was. With Messianic expectations high in Judea, it was important for John the Baptist to clarify his relationship to those expectations. He was not the Light, but he was sent from God to bear witness to the Light and to prepare for the coming of the Messiah (John 1:6-8). That’s why he answered them as plainly as he could, saying: “I am not the Christ” (John 1:20).
Also, John baptized with water, but Christ would baptize with the Spirit (John 1:26,33). John was not worthy to loosen Jesus’ sandal strap (John 1:27). Christ was preferred before John because He was before John (John 1:30). Jesus was the Son of God, and John merely pointed to Him (John 1:34).
Read Isaiah 40:1-5 and John 1:23. How does John use these verses?
In the days of rutted and rock-filled roads, servants were sometimes sent ahead of the king to level the surfaces of roadways and to take out sharp turns so as to smooth the way of the king. So, in fulfillment of prophecy, John came in order to prepare the hearts of the people for Jesus.
In what way should we, as Seventh-day Adventists, do the same kind of ministry as did John the Baptist? What are the parallels? |

Source: https://ssnet.org/blog/24d-04-the-testimony-of-john-the-baptist/