The kingdom of heaven is like unto a net, that was cast into the sea, and gathered of every kind. Matthew 13:47.
We have abundant evidence that tares grow with wheat in the church of God. There are sincere Christians in the church, and there are also lukewarm Christians. These have opportunity to know the truth. The Word of God is presented to them; they come to the banquet, as Judas came to the Passover, but like Judas, they do not eat the Word of life. No one can compel them to eat the Word of eternal life—to make thorough work for repentance, that they may obtain a Christian experience, and become rooted and grounded in the truth….
We must not be overwhelmed with discouragement because good and bad are gathered into the church. Judas was numbered among the disciples. He had every advantage a man could have, but although he heard the truth, and listened to the principles so plainly laid down, yet Christ knew that he did not receive the truth. He did not eat the truth. It did not become a part of himself. His old habits and practices constantly sought to assert themselves. But Christ did not take forcible means to cut Judas away from the disciples….
All who are trying to do true service to God will be brought into perplexity. But do not think of failure. Do not talk of discouragement. Let all be united in doing the will of our heavenly Father…. If we are Christians, we cannot follow the world’s policy. “It is written” must be our constant counselor. What ungodly men do should not guide us….
Men act as though they had been given special liberty to cancel the decisions of God. The higher critics put themselves in the place of God, and review the Word of God, revising or endorsing it. In this way, all nations are induced to drink the wine of the fornication of Babylon. These higher critics have fixed things to suit the popular heresies of these last days. If they cannot subvert and misapply the Word of God, if they cannot bend it to human practices, they break it….
All who are doers of the Word of God will be blessed abundantly. Whatever crosses they must lift, whatever losses they must sustain, whatever persecution they may suffer, even if it be to the loss of their temporal life, they are amply recompensed; for they secure that life which measures with the life of God. In losing their lives for Christ’s sake, they gain a life which lasts through the eternal ages. They walk under the direction of the Father of lights, with whom there is no variableness, neither shadow of turning. They shall see His face, and His name shall be in their foreheads.—Letter 48, January 21, 1897, to “Brethren Daniells and Salisbury,” leading workers in Australia.
The Upward Look p. 35
Prayer Requests
—-Please pray for Art as his wife passed away in her sleep. Rose
—-Monday a friend of mine is having surgery on her torn retina sp. her name is Kathy.also just found out. that another dear friend of ours was in a car accident and has a horrible whip lash. another for Craig’s cousins husband who had a accident at work Friday. he has a broken shoulder and pelvic broken his name is Terry. than you. M.
—- This morning I found out my son Nathan has throat cancer. He is only 27. I think the hardest part for me is he is in prison. 6 hours away. I don’t want my precious son to have to go through this alone! Please pray for Nathan. Please pray for his brothers and his dad as they are struggling with this news. As most of you know Annora my granddaughter is currently fighting cancer and she is only 1. God has done great thing for Annora. Good doctors. Medication to kill the tumor. Parents to help her stay positive and fight along with her, and a spirit like none other! Christina
—-Please pray for David who is battling depression. Buck
Dear Friends,
When Esther was still in college, she was feeling the need for a pet. She didn’t want just any kind of pet, but one that was big enough to cuddle. Since the apartment house where she and Brian lived did not allow dogs or cats, she wasn’t sure just what to get. Ronnie Jay and I suggested a gerbil, but she wanted something bigger. As she does with all of her problems, she took it to the Lord in prayer.
The pet store where Ronnie Jay often went offered an adoption program. They would take back any unwanted pet and then give it away to a good home. Esther looked at the animals and decided on a guinea pig. This poor creature’s neck had been injured by its former owner, so its head was a little twisted. Esther felt very sorry for it. Because the guinea pig had suffered so much, the store manager gave her its cage and all that came with it for free. He felt that it had gone through enough anxiety already.
When she got him home, she and Brian named him Gerber. At first, he was timid and unsteady on his feet. They gave him lots of love and very good care. Gradually, Gerber’s condition improved and he became very tame. He reveled in all of the love and attention that Brian and Esther showered upon him. Whenever either of them came into the room, he squealed with delight and wanted to be held. He was a very obedient pet and whenever Esther let him run around the floor, he even cames when he was called.
Just as Brian and Esther lovingly cared for Gerber when he was in poor condition, so our Loving Saviour nurtures and cares for us, bringing us ever closer to His will for our life. Just as Gerber’s whole happiness was wrapped up in Esther and Brian, so our entire being should be wrapped up in Jesus. Just as Gerber’s little heart loved his owners supremely, so our Dear Saviour longs for our heart to be completely filled with love for Him. Indeed, our Loving Redeemer loves us even more than we could possibly love Him. He assures us, “I have loved thee with an everlasting love therefore with lovingkindness have I drawn thee. Jer 31:3 Paul reminds us, “God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.” Rom 5:8
The One Who laid down His life for us, yearns for us to love the Him with all of our heart, and with all of our soul, and with all of our mind, and with all of our strength. Mark 12:30 Yet, how often we live our life with scarcely a thought Heavenward. How often we have a “head knowledge” but not a “heart knowledge.” How often we have a form of godliness, but deny the power thereof. (2 Tim 3:5) How it must break His Great Heart of Love for us to be content with a “do nothing” religion. With tears in His voice, our Dear Saviour declares, “This people draweth nigh unto me with their mouth, and honoureth me with their lips; but their heart is far from me.” Matt 15:8
May we be known as the friend of God as was Abraham of old. (James 2:23) May we walk with our Great Creator as did Enoch. (Gen 5:22) May we sing as did David, “I will praise thee, O LORD, with my whole heart; I will show forth all thy marvellous works. I will be glad and rejoice in thee: I will sing praise to thy name, O thou most High.” Ps 9:1, 2