Daily Lesson for Wednesday 9th of October 2024
Read John 9:17-34. What questions did the leaders ask, and how did the blind man respond?
This long section of John 9:1-41 is the only portion of John where Jesus is not the main actor on the stage, though He is certainly the subject of discussion. Just as the question of sin started the story (John 9:2), the Pharisees think Jesus is a sinner because He healed on the Sabbath (John 9:16,24), and they will slander the healed man as “born in utter sin” (John 9:34, ESV).
A curious reversal occurs. The blind man comes to see more and more, not just physically but spiritually, as he is growing in his appreciation for Jesus and believing more strongly in Him. The Pharisees, in contrast, become more and more blind in their understanding, first being divided over Jesus (John 9:16) and then not knowing where He came from (John 9:29).
Meanwhile, his recounting of this miracle gives John the opportunity to tell us who Jesus is. The theme of signs in John 9:1-41 intersects with several other themes in the Gospel. John reaffirms that Jesus is the Light of the world (John 9:5; compare with John 8:12). The story also deals with Jesus’ mysterious origin. Who is He, where is He from, what is His mission (John 9:12,29; compare with John 1:14)? The figure of Moses, who is referenced in previous miracle accounts, also appears in this chapter (John 9:28-29; compare with John 5:45-46 and John 6:32). Finally, there is the theme of the response of the crowd. Some love darkness rather than light, while others respond in faith (John 9:16-18,35-41; compare with John 1:9-16, John 3:16-21, and John 6:60-71).
So scary here is the spiritual blindness of the religious leaders. A once-blind beggar can declare, “ ‘Since the world began it has been unheard of that anyone opened the eyes of one who was born blind. If this Man were not from God, He could do nothing’ ” (John 9:32-33, NKJV). And yet the religious leaders, the spiritual guides of the nation, the ones who should have been the first to recognize Jesus and accept Him as the Messiah—they, despite all the powerful evidence, cannot see it, or they don’t really want to see it. What a powerful warning about how our hearts can deceive us!
Read 1 Corinthians 1:26-29. How does what Paul writes in these verses fit with John’s account above and how does the same principle apply even now? |

Source: https://ssnet.org/blog/24d-02-the-healing-of-the-blind-man-part-2/