Putting God first can be difficult. What can we learn from Noah that will help us put God first in our lives today? If you have ever felt that people in your city don’t care about God, you know how Noah felt. In fact, it wasn’t only God they didn’t care about. They didn’t care about each other either. The situation became so evil that if they were allowed to continue acting that way, every human being would have been destroyed. It was at that moment that God stepped in to save the world the first time around. Noah was told to put God first and dedicate the next century of his life to building an ark, and call everyone to repent and change their ways. He was mocked and ridiculed by the very people he was instructed to warn, but he didn’t give up. Every day Noah put God first and followed the instructions he was given. All of us are tempted to put our own projects and priorities first. Perhaps you are an administrator of many resources. Or perhaps you are constantly struggling to make ends meet. Like Noah, all of us are challenged every day, every week, every month, to put God’s kingdom first. God has promised that all other things will be added. And God keeps His promises. The flood came and the ark saved Noah and his family from total destruction. Humanity had been saved. Like in the days of Noah, the people God has asked you to warn might mock and ridicule you. But one day soon, God will come back to save us. Those who put God first will see the results of their efforts with every person who will be saved. With every plank and nail, Noah was putting God first. His example compels us to do the same. As the deacons collect the tithe and offerings, we are challenged to put God first today ———————————————————————————————————————-
For more information on the Stewardship Ministries of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, you can head over to https://stewardship.adventist.org/devotional-readings Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VWhg-MByZT0