"Ranja shared how her powers grew over time. Once, twenty-seven armed men attempted to harm her, but they found themselves powerless in her presence. She also claimed to possess the ability to silence crocodiles, making a once-dangerous river safe again. A new group of spirits, hailing from the water, entered her and gave her the power to heal the sick. These spirits would take her to the riverbed where she would remain submerged for days, communicating with them without needing to surface for breath. Despite her significant powers – healing people, silencing crocodiles, and rendering bullets useless – she lived in a state of constant misery
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We are Adventist World Radio, dedicated to sending the gospel to every corner of the world, even in the most remote and inaccessible locations. Through radio broadcasts, Cell Phone Evangelism, Godpods, and Digital Evangelism on various social media platforms, we're striving to reach millions across the world in their native languages. Since we started broadcasting back in 1975, we've seen and heard some truly inspirational stories of people who've experienced life-changing encounters with God. Regardless of their beliefs or professions, we have seen God reach a pagan chieftain, a witch, a professional assassin, and even rebels. Witness God’s work at AWR, from broadcast to baptism. #short Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_a3z3H35XqE