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Commented by Cindy Tutsch:
"Ellen White's empowerment of youth for evangelism and service in this chapter thrills my soul! I have been in youth ministry for all of my career, serving in various capacities such as conference youth director, developing strategies and resources to help youth understand the value of Ellen White's messages, directing student literature evangelism programs, teaching religion classes and serivng as youth pastor. In these ministries, I have discovered that many times our youth are overentertained and underchallenged. This chapter helps us understand the sacred responsibilities God would have us give to youth today. However, to succeed in spiritual leadership, our youth need careful training, mentoring, and discipling. We must provide opportunities for youth to serve, invite them individually to accept leadership challenges, affirm them in their abilities, and then carefully, patiently teach them how to carry out responsibilties. This calls for time, effort, patience, tenacity, and love on the part of parents, teachers, and church leaders. Youth and young adults today are distracted by a world headed for perdition and a devil eager to offer them glittering temptations. It is imperative that we show a much greater interest in the youth of our churches than we have in the past. The Lord will grant us the strength, compassion, and skill to work with the youth in response to our earnest prayers of faith." Cindy Tutsch
Associate Director, Ellen G. White Estate (retired) โค๏ธ Jump to Weekly Spirit of Prophecy Reading https://www.revivalandreformation.org/bhp/en/sop/chs/2 Our accounts in other social networks:
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