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We live in an era in which our chores and tasks are made easier by labor saving devices. No more hand washing of laundry or dishes are required of those who have modern appliances. Cooking is far easier now than it was for our pioneers. We can do much of our shopping online and even have meals delivered! Sadly, this labor-saving mentality hasn’t always worked to our advantage in spreading the gospel. Instead of using every advantage that technology can offer us to have more time to witness, we have allowed ourselves to become spoiled and lazy. It is almost as if we think we can just plug in a labor-saving witnessing machine and hope to win our neighbors without ever really having to interact with them. God sees it differently. He has given us privileges and will hold us accountable for how we use our time and opportunities. “Greater light shines upon us than shone upon our fathers. We cannot be accepted or honored of God in rendering the same service, or doing the same works, that our fathers did. In order to be accepted and blessed of God as they were, we must imitate their faithfulness and zeal, —improve our light as they improved theirs, and do as they would have done had they lived in our day. We must walk in the light which shines upon us, otherwise that light will become darkness.” Christian Service 88.2. Karen D. Lifshay Communications Secretary, Hermiston SDA Church, Oregon USA Our accounts in other social networks:
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