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Commentary by Lori Engel:
"Family dysfunction is on scandalous display in Genesis 30. Sibling rivalry, polygamy, jealousy, manipulation and control, bribes, anger – it’s all there! For example, consider Rachel's demand, “Give me kids or I will die.” Rachel’s identity was based on whether or not she had children. Seeking to get her own needs met, she placed impossible demands on her frustrated husband. Her happiness was based on external circumstances that she could not control. If she couldn’t get what she wanted, then she preferred to die. “Give me what I need or I won’t be happy.” “Give me what I want or else…”
Tragic motives that expose selfish hearts. Tragic words that continue to destroy homes and lives today. Later on, Rachel’s words “I have had a great struggle with my sister, and I have won” reveal that she was more interested in winning than being in a relationship. How many relationships have been destroyed because of the need to win or to be right? How many of us try and manipulate others into meeting our needs?
When we trust God to fulfill our needs, we find internal security and happiness that cannot be found by manipulating or controlling others. Our joyful identities can be God-based, not human-derived." Lori Engel
Chaplain (currently disabled) Eugene, Oregon USA ❤️ Jump to Daily Bible Reading https://www.revivalandreformation.org/bhp/en/bible/gen/30 Our accounts in other social networks:
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