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Commentary by Lori Engel:
"I have seen all that Laban has been doing to you!” Spoken by God, that message surely encouraged Jacob’s troubled heart, worn out from years of overwork and emotional manipulation. How reassuring! Jacob didn’t have to fight his battles alone; God was fighting for him. Have you been deceived and mistreated by someone for years? Imagine how comforting it would be if God told you directly, “I have seen all that So-and-So is doing to you.” It’s absolutely true. Nothing escapes God’s notice: no insult, no deception, no abuse, no betrayal – absolutely nothing is too trivial for Him. Nothing escapes His sovereign scrutiny. God cares how other people treat you, the apple of His eye! You may have modern-day Labans making your life miserable today, but more importantly, you have a God who sees all that is being done to you. Trust that God will bring good out of evil, just as He did for Jacob. All things work together for our good – eventually! God specializes in turning curses into blessings. Your modern-day “Laban” may have plotted against you, but God is plotting your course. God is fighting for you. If God be for you, who can be against you?" Lori Engel Chaplain (currently disabled) Eugene, Oregon USA ❤️ Jump to Daily Bible Reading https://www.revivalandreformation.org/bhp/en/bible/gen/31 Our accounts in other social networks:
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