Have you ever wondered why Jesus endured unimaginable torture and chose the path of sacrifice? In the face of torment, Jesus’ mission wasn’t to succumb to pain but to secure a future where we could live with Him eternally. Discover the true heroism of Jesus, who stood firm in His commitment to save us despite Satan’s attempts to derail Him. Watch as Pastor Sam Neves shares Jesus’ love for us—a love beyond measure. #Shorts #YouTubeShorts To watch the full video, paste this link into your browser: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bZv6XjrURJE&list=PL-k2Gb-DBYo_ga5U5FGlXrn4c2r0xe4ni&index=7 Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9B7E8DK3UT4