People are searching for #God now more than ever. 80% of Americans say they have prayed for the #coronavirus to end. How are we reaching them? Can we do podcasts, have #Bible Studies online, make sure we’re available through our local churches. How can we be a #Church that responds digitally to the needs of people who are now, more than ever, reaching out to find hope and #Jesus? Join us in this newest #ANN In-Depth episode to learn how you can use digital #evangelism to reach people in need. For this episode, we are joined by some amazing guests: Rachel Aitken, Dustin Pestlin, and Kendra Arsenault. Rachel is a Digital Discipleship Strategist for Adventist Media for the South Pacific Division. Dustin is an evangelist and the founder and president of Hope Through Prophecy, a media #ministry sharing the gospel with the world. Kendra is the Creative Director for Advent Next. Find out more about our guests: Rachel Aitken
Website: Dustin Pestlin/Hope Through Prophecy
YouTube: @Hope Through Prophecy Instagram: @hopethroughprophecy Kendra Arsenault/Advent Next
YouTube: @Advent Next Theological Podcast Instagram: @adventnext Source: