12.5 The Miracle of Purim
The Book of Esther is indeed a unique biblical work as the name of God is not explicitly mentioned in it. This has led to various theological discussions and interpretations. Some believe that the absence of God’s name may indicate that God acts in secret, while others point out that it is a way to recognize God’s work even in seemingly ordinary events.
Similar to the Book of Esther, God’s actions in our daily lives can sometimes be subtle and concealed through seemingly normal events. We might tend to look for spectacular signs or miracles, overlooking that God’s presence is often found in the unassuming details of our everyday lives.
The ability to recognize God’s work amid seemingly ordinary events requires mindfulness, spiritual sensitivity, and a look beyond the surface. It is an invitation to look deeper and discover divine action in the small things that can easily be overlooked.
The decision of the Jews to include the Book of Esther in the biblical canon may suggest that in the story of Esther, they recognized not only a political rescue but also the invisible hand of God. This perspective reminds us that God’s work is often subtle yet powerful, and the absence of obvious signs does not mean that God is not at work.
It challenges us to seek the signs of divine presence in our own lives, not only in extraordinary moments but also in everyday, seemingly normal events. It is an invitation to discover the divine in the ordinary and recognize the depths of spiritual truth in the seemingly simple aspects of our lives.
Read Esther 9:1–12. What was the result of Esther’s efforts?
In Esther 9:1–12, it is reported that the Jews in the provinces of the Persian Empire, inspired by Esther’s efforts and the decree of King Ahasuerus, successfully defended themselves against their enemies. The plan of their enemies to destroy the Jews was reversed, and instead, the Jews gained victory over those who sought to harm them.
In summary, this section shows that the efforts of Esther and Mordecai were successful. The Jews were able to defend themselves against their enemies, and there was a decisive turn that secured their survival. This event is celebrated in the Jewish festival of Purim, which commemorates the rescue and survival of the Jewish community.
The Purim miracle in the Book of Esther is indeed a remarkable example of God’s action in a subtle and concealed manner. Instead of revoking the original decree for the destruction of the Jews, God allowed the Jews to defend themselves. The seemingly normal course of events, appearing as a natural sequence at first glance, bears the fingerprint of God working in the background to protect His people.
It is interesting to observe that the Persians noticed the effects of God’s intervention for the Jews. The fact that many people from the nations of the land became Jews shows how God’s work had a profound impact on the non-Jewish population. The miracle of Purim led people to recognize the power and goodness of the God of Israel and turn to Him.
The acknowledgment of God by the leaders of the Jewish people and the establishment of the Purim festival as an annual celebration testify to how crucial it is to consciously perceive God’s action in our lives and honor it. The festival not only commemorates the rescue of the Jews but also emphasizes gratitude to God for His guidance and deliverance.
This historical episode teaches us that God’s work does not always have to be spectacular and obvious to be powerful. Sometimes, the beauty of His action lies in the midst of the ordinary, hidden in seemingly natural events. It encourages us to be attentive, recognize God’s guidance, and respond with gratitude to His work in our lives.
Challenge: Pray to God, asking for the courage to share something He has done for you with someone on your prayer list this week.
“Lord, my Heavenly Father, I come before You and thank You for the many blessings You have bestowed upon my life. This week, I ask for courage and wisdom. May Your Spirit guide me and provide the opportunity to share with someone on my prayer list about Your great deeds in my life.
Give me the words to testify to Your love and faithfulness. May my testimony touch the heart of my fellow human being and serve to reveal Your greatness and goodness. Your work in my life is a precious gift, and I want to share it so that others may find the joy and comfort You provide.
Help me overcome my fears and uncertainties. Let me be a tool of Your love, and may Your light shine through my testimony into the world. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.”
Challenge Plus: Write in a journal or notebook the special little (or big) things that God does for you. Read through them and ask God to remind you of these things at the right time so that you can share them with someone.
This is a wonderful idea to become more aware of God’s action in our lives and cultivate gratitude. Here is a suggestion for the journal or notebook:
Gratitude Journal: God’s Action in My Life
Date: [Current Date]
Today, I am grateful for:
[Special Event or Blessing] – Write about a specific event or blessing you experienced today.
[Small Moment of Joy] – Record a small moment that brought you joy or comfort.
[Answered Prayer] – If God has answered a specific prayer of yours this week, share it.
[Random Encounter or Experience] – Describe a random encounter or unexpected event that shows God’s work in your daily life.
Lord, I thank You for all the wonderful things You do in my life. Bless me with an open heart to perceive Your goodness, and help me consciously capture these moments. May this journal become a tool that helps me recognize Your deeds and share them with others when the opportunity arises. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
May this journal help you become more aware of God’s work in your life and bear witness to His actions with gratitude.
Source: https://fulfilleddesire.net/lesson-12-esther-and-mordecai-12-5-the-miracle-of-purim/