Researchers have placed top priority on developing a vaccine as quickly as possible. People are so afraid of this deadly rapidly spreading virus, that they are anxious to get a vaccine that will prevent them from contracting Covid-19. Although this present pandemic has caused thousands of deaths around the world there is another virus that has infected humanity that is even more deadly. Covid-19 can destroy your body but this fatal disease can take more than your physical life. “And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul but rather fear him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell” Matthew 10:28 The virus of sin is much more deadly than the virus of Covid-19. Once infected with the virus of sin the prognosis is death. How did this pandemic begin and what is the ultimate solution to a sin problem? Based on the Biblical Story of the Fall and God's promises of hope and new life in heaven, pastor Mark Finley talks about God's endless love and unshakable hope. #HopeForTroubledTime
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