The Book of #Daniel starts with King #Nebuchadnezzar entering Judah. The king takes Jewish prisoners to #Babylon. The book of Daniel ends with Michael. He stands up to free God’s people from end-time Babylon. The whole book of Daniel shows us that God works everything out for His people in the end. As we saw, Daniel and his friends stay loyal to God. They show wisdom and faith in God during hard times. In the same way, God’s people also will show their faith in the end times. They will stay loyal to God during “ ‘a time of much trouble, the worst time since nations have been on earth’ ” (Daniel 12:1, ERV). During this time, God’s people will show the same wisdom and understanding that Daniel and his friends showed in Babylon. Then God’s people will lead other people to God. They will show people how to live holy lives. Some of God’s end-time people will die or be killed. Their dead bodies will be buried in the earth. Then they will turn to dust. But Jesus will wake them up from the dead and give them everlasting life (Daniel 12:2). #SabbathSchool Lesson 13: Source: