#Daniel 11 is not easy to understand. So, we need to be clear about some things from the start. Then we will understand the chapter better. First, Daniel 11 shows us the same message that we already saw in Daniel 2; Daniel 7; Daniel 8; and Daniel 9. The message in all these chapters starts in the days of Daniel and continues to the end of time. Second, we see different kingdoms rise to power. These kingdoms often hurt God’s people. Third, each chapter shows us a happy ending. In Daniel 2, the #SonofMan gets the kingdom. In Daniel 8 and Daniel 9, Jesus makes heaven’s temple clean. Daniel 11 has three basic parts. First, it starts with the Persian kings and what will happen to them. Then the chapter tells us about the end of time when the king of the North fights against God’s holy mountain. Second, the king of the North and the king of the South fight each other many times. Daniel 11 shows us how these wars hurt God’s people. Third, Daniel 11 shows a happy ending: God’s mountain destroys the king of the North. We see that evil ends forever. Then God sets up His everlasting kingdom. #SabbathSchool Lesson 12: https://bit.ly/2Yz6rAe Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MOZMVQWexPg