That ye put off concerning the former conversation the old man, which is corrupt according to the deceitful lusts. Ephesians 4:22.
John says, “The light”—Christ—“shineth in darkness,” that is, in the world, “and the darkness comprehended it not…. But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name: which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God” (John 1:5-13). The reason why the unbelieving world is not saved is that they do not choose to be enlightened. The old nature, born of blood and the will of the flesh, cannot inherit the kingdom of God. The old ways, the hereditary tendencies, the former habits, must be given up; for grace is not inherited. The new birth consists in having new motives, new tastes, new tendencies.
Those who are begotten unto a new life by the Holy Spirit have become partakers of the divine nature, and in all their habits and practices, they will give evidence of their relationship to Christ. When men who claim to be Christians retain all their natural defects of character and disposition, in what does their position differ from that of the worldling? They do not appreciate the truth as a sanctifier, a refiner. They have not been born again….
Let none feel that their way needs no changing. Those who decide thus are not fitted to engage in the work of God, for they will not feel the necessity of pressing constantly toward a higher standard, making continual improvement. None can walk safely unless they are distrustful of self, and are constantly looking to the work of God, studying it with willing heart to see their own errors, and to learn the will of Christ, and praying that it may be done in and by and through them. They show that their confidence is not in themselves, but in Christ. They hold the truth as a sacred treasure, able to sanctify and refine, and they are constantly seeking to bring their words and ways into harmony with its principles. They fear and tremble lest something savoring of self shall be idolized, and thus their defects be reproduced in others who confide in them. They are always seeking to subdue self, to put away everything that savors of it, and to supply the place with the meekness and lowliness of Christ. They are looking unto Jesus, growing up into Him, gathering from Him light and grace, that they may diffuse the same to others.—The Review and Herald, April 12, 1892.
Ye Shall Receive Power p. 53
Prayer Requests
—-Please pray for God’s leading and protection for E and children. R
—-I’m here to ask you to join hands with me in prayer for my Brother Andrew he is not doing well please lift him up into God’s Radiance. My sister is taking care of him but it’s a lot of trouble she is suffering with back pain and my brother can’t do anything for himself please take the case to Jesus. Therese
—-I have a job offer in another state, please pray that my husband’s job can be become remote for a smoother transition, thanks! Desirae
—-My mom had to go to ER the other day due to diverticulitis and she’s feeling unwell again today. Please pray for her healing and well being. She’s 75, getting frail and hasn’t fully accepted the gospel. David
—-Please pray for Sandi whose daughter died in her sleep a few days ago. Please pray that God will bring her comfort and hope. Rose
Dear Friends,
Many years ago, my grandmother was doing her housework when, suddenly, she felt a very strange sensation inside her nose. She felt like something was crawling around inside of it. With horror, she realized that she must have breathed in a bug that had been flying by. She started sneezing and sneezing, but instead of being sneezed out, that bug was drawn up into her sinuses. My grandmother, who had felt fine just moments before, now felt like she had a terrible cold as her body tried to rid itself of the creature. That bug must have held on tightly, because he stayed inside no matter what my grandmother did.
After a few days of trying various remedies, my grandmother went to the doctor. After trying to flush that bug out with water, he finally had to remove it surgically. At last my grandmother was rid of that offending creature. Then she could heal from
the infection it had caused.
How foolish my grandmother would have been if she had refused to go to her physician for the help that only he could give. It would have had a far different outcome in those days before penicillin. We are all infected with the bug of sin, yet how few will go to the Great Physician Who is is waiting to help us. Indeed, He longs to save us from our sins. He greatly desires to cleanse us from the sin bug within us before it is too late. He pleads, “As I live, saith the Lord GOD, I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked; but that the wicked turn from his way and live: turn ye, turn ye from your evil ways; for why will ye die?” Eze 33:11 “Turn ye even to me with all your heart, and with fasting, and with weeping, and with mourning: And rend your heart, and not your garments, and turn unto the LORD your God: for he is gracious and merciful, slow to anger, and of great kindness. Joel 2:12,13
How many attempt to rid themselves from the sin-bug by cleaning up the outside. This does no good as the problem is deep within. Our Loving Saviour promises, “A new heart also will I give you, and a new spirit will I put within you: and I will take away the stony heart out of your flesh, and I will give you an heart of flesh. And I will put my spirit within you, and cause you to walk in my statutes, and ye shall keep my judgments, and do them.” “I will put my laws into [your] heart, and in [your] mind will I write them and [your] sins and iniquities will I remember no more.” Eze 36:26, 27; Heb 10:16, 17
May we, this day, receive the cleansing and healing from Him Who “gave himself for our sins, that he might deliver us from this present evil world, according to the will of God and our Father: To whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen.” Gal 1:4