The mission of AWR is clear: to break down barriers and share the good news with the world. What innovative strategies are they using to connect with diverse cultures? Engage with this inspiring narrative and subscribe for more insights into global evangelism. #NoWallsNoBorders #FaithInAction #MissionFocus #awr #adventistworldradio #short Source:
GAiN Convention to Be Hosted in UK for Gen Z Content Creators
29 January 2025 | From February 28 to March 2, GAiN (Global Adventist Internet Network) will be hosting a convention at Newbold College in Bracknell, UK, where digital evangelism, creativity, and innovation will be discussed with Gen Z believers. Existing under the banner of the General Conference of the Seventh-day Adventist Church Communications department, GAiN […] Source:
Satan and the Savior in the Synagogue | Doug Batchelor
➤Subscribe to Doug Batchelor: ➤Free Online Bible School: ➤Support Amazing Facts: Check out some more Powerful videos: ➤The Devil's Deadliest Deception:
➤Spiritual Warfare:
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ATSS: Tom Dybdahl, “I Was in Prison, and You Didn’t See Me”
29 January 2025 | The United States excels at caging human beings. With less than 5 percent of the world’s population, we have more than 21 percent of all incarcerated people. Currently, if you include those in our prisons and jails, plus those on probation or parole, about 5.6 million of our fellow-citizens are under […] Source:
Deadly Faith Or Saving Grace | Doug Batchelor
➤Subscribe to Doug Batchelor: ➤Free Online Bible School: ➤Support Amazing Facts: Check out some more Powerful videos: ➤The Devil's Deadliest Deception:
➤Spiritual Warfare:
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Give A Gift of Love
How do you show your love? Give a gift of love today with ADRA's Gift Catalogue! Source:
This Is the Journey of Hope from North Korea to the Philippines
Explore the incredible journey of Adventist World Radio as it transforms lives from the closed walls of North Korea to the vibrant culture of Nepal. How is the everlasting gospel making an impact in diverse regions? Join us in this inspiring narrative and subscribe for more stories of faith in action. #GlobalEvangelism #AdventistWorldRadio #TransformLives #awr #adventistworldradio #short Source:
Le piccole cose della vita | Past. Roberto Iannò
Sono i piccoli accidenti della vita che ci rendono difficile il cammino della nostra vita. Ecco cosa possiamo fare affinché ritroviamo il sollievo nonostante questo. Prov. 3:5,6 – Confida nel SIGNORE con tutto il cuore e non ti appoggiare sul tuo discernimento. Riconoscilo in tutte le tue vie ed egli appianerà i tuoi sentieri. Meditazione a cura del Past. Roberto Iannò Registrata presso la comunità di Cesena Sabato 25 Gennaio 2025 Source:
Thursday: Show Compassion
Daily Lesson for Thursday 30th of January 2025
While divine wrath is a “terrible” thing, it is by no means immoral or unloving. On the contrary, in the Old and New Testaments, God expresses wrath against evil because of His love. Divine wrath is terrible because of the insidious nature of evil in contrast to the pure goodness and splendor of God.
In this regard, love is essential to God; wrath is not. Where there is no evil or injustice, there is no wrath. In the end, God’s most loving action of eradicating evil from the universe also effectively will eliminate anger and wrath. And that is because never again will there be any injustice or evil. Forevermore, there will be only the eternity of bliss and justice in a perfect love relationship. There will never again be divine wrath because never again will there be the need for it. What a wonderful thought!
Some worry that divine anger might unintentionally be taken as giving license to human vengeance. Read Deuteronomy 32:35, Proverbs 20:22, Proverbs 24:29, Romans 12:17-21, and Hebrews 10:30. How do these texts guard against human vengeance?
According to Scripture, God has the right to bring judgment; and when He does, He always does so with perfect justice. Both the Old and New Testaments explicitly reserve vengeance for God. As Paul writes in Romans 12:19 (NASB), “Never take your own revenge, beloved, but leave room for the wrath of God, for it is written, ‘Vengeance is mine, I will repay,’ says the Lord” (quoting from Deuteronomy 32:35).
While God eventually brings judgment against injustice and evil, Christ has made a way for all who believe in Him. Indeed, it is “Jesus who delivers us from the wrath to come” (1 Thessalonians 1:10, NKJV; compare with Romans 5:8-9). And this is according to God’s plan: “For God did not appoint us to wrath, but to obtain salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ” (1 Thessalonians 5:9, NKJV). Divine wrath is not nullified, but those who have faith in Jesus will be delivered from such wrath because of Christ.
In what way has Christ’s atonement upheld justice while also delivering us from wrath? Recognizing that provision had been made for you, despite your shortcomings, how much more gracious should you be to others? |

Preghiere e fede senza risposta | Luca Mei
Versetto introduttivo: Marco 10:28-30
Meditazione a cura di Luca Mei
Registrata presso la Chiesa Cristiana Avventista di Genova Sabato 25 gennaio 2025 Source:
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