As Christians, we talk a lot about Jesus, and understandably so. But what about the Father? “God the eternal Father is the Creator, Source, Sustainer, and Sovereign of all creation. He is just and holy, merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness.” How do we know this? Because we know how Jesus is! Jesus came to “show us the Father” (John 14:9). Every attribute shown in Christ is simply an exemplification of who the Father is. Listen to Pastor Ted Wilson’s message as he shows us the ultimate loving character of the Father in giving His only Son so that we could be saved. ———————————————————————————— The Seventh-day Adventist Church has been an established denomination since 1863. It is a global Christian family with over 21 million members who hold the Bible as the ultimate authority. We are Christians who promise to help people understand the Bible to find freedom, healing, and hope in Jesus. Want to learn more about the Seventh-day Adventist Church? Visit our website at: Click the notification bell so that you never miss a new video! Find us on social media by following the links below:
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AdventHealth Helps Restore Storm-ravaged Kentucky Community; and other world news
This week, ANN features AdventHealth’s contribution in the restoration of a Kentucky community, the inspirational evangelistic work of a young boy, and the baptism of 45 individuals in Brazil. Watch as this week’s episode highlights other news stories from around the world. ANN is the official news channel of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. For all things Adventist news, subscribe to our Youtube channel and visit Follow ANN on social media!
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The Great Controversy Chapter 3: An Era of Spiritual Darkness
Who is the "man of sin," described in 2 Thessalonians 2 who opposes God and seeks to take His place on Earth through blasphemous teachings and practices? This week Pastor Ted Wilson discusses the third chapter of The Great Controversy, entitled “The Era of Spiritual Darkness.” As the medieval church sought to gain wealth and power, it was led to make a compromise between paganism and Christianity, supplanting the word of Christ with allegiance to a human being—the powerful bishop of Rome. Without the Bible as a safeguard, people had no standard to distinguish between right and wrong and were at the mercy of a corrupt Church and clergy. What followed was an era of spiritual darkness foretold by prophecy. During the 1,260 years of darkness, the word of God was nearly banished from the face of the Earth. Evil had full sway, with unthinkable crimes being committed and celebrated. Yet, God's light of truth is never fully extinguished. Throughout history, He has always preserved a remnant who are true to His Word. To learn more about this era of spiritual darkness, read The Great Controversy by Ellen White at Source:
The Message of a Song #sermon #shorts
When it comes to worship, singing or playing a song is more than a musical performance. Instead, it’s an expression of our deepest thoughts or expressions of truths about God’s love and plans for us. Understanding the message of a song changes our experience. It moves and grips our hearts as we take in what God is saying to us and as we respond in love to Him. This #short clip from the Global #Campmeeting sermon, “Four Practical Ways to Deepen Your Worship Experience Through Music” with Ryan Day and Tim Parton shares how each song has a message that can grip your heart. Watch the video to discover how you can let songs speak to your heart and magnify your experience with the Lord.
The Seventh-day Adventist Church has been an established denomination since 1863. It is a global Christian family with over 21 million members who hold the Bible as the ultimate authority. We are believers who promise to help people understand the Bible to find freedom, healing, and hope in Jesus. Want to learn more about the Seventh-day Adventist Church? Visit our website at: Click the notification bell so that you never miss a new video! Find us on social media by following the links below:
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The Great Controversy Chapter 2: Persecution in the First Centuries
This week, Pastor Ted Wilson discusses the second chapter of The Great Controversy by Ellen White, entitled "Persecution in the First Centuries." Christ's followers suffered humiliation, suffering, and persecution. They were stripped of their possessions and driven from their homes. They were "falsely accused of the most dreadful crimes and declared to be the cause of great calamities…As they became the objects of popular hatred and suspicion, informers stood ready, for the sake of gain, to betray the innocent. They were condemned as rebels against the empire, as foes of religion, and pests to society. Great numbers were thrown to wild beasts or burned alive in the amphitheaters. Some were crucified; others were covered with the skins of wild animals and thrust into the arena to be torn by dogs. Their punishment was often made the chief entertainment at public fetes. Vast multitudes assembled to enjoy the sight and greeted their dying agonies with laughter and applause" (Ellen White, The Great Controversy, page 40). But despite this, the number of Christians increased. Since Satan wasn't succeeding in wiping them out through brutal persecution, he tried a more deceptive approach. "Persecution ceased, and in its stead were substituted the dangerous allurements of temporal prosperity and worldly honor. Idolaters were led to receive a part of the Christian faith while they rejected other essential truths. They professed to accept Jesus as the Son of God and to believe in His death and resurrection, but they had no conviction of sin and felt no need of repentance or of a change of heart" (page 42). This is how compromise and corruption entered the church. "The Bible was not accepted as the standard of faith." Pagan rituals and festivals became a part of the Church's practice. "The doctrine of religious freedom was termed heresy, and its upholders were hated" (page 45). Though ridiculed for their faith, early Christians remained faithful to the teachings of Christ and His disciples. "Well would it be for the church and the world if the principles that actuated those steadfast souls were revived in the hearts of God's professed people. There is an alarming indifference in regard to the doctrines which are the pillars of the Christian faith. The opinion is gaining ground that, after all, these are not of vital importance. This degeneracy is strengthening the hands of the agents of Satan, so that false theories and fatal delusions, which the faithful in ages past imperiled their lives to resist and expose, are now regarded with favor by thousands who claim to be followers of Christ" (page 46). We are living in the end times. Our only safety is to build on the solid rock of God's Word. As such, let us ask for the Holy Spirit's guidance as we study the Bible, understand its teachings, accept them into our hearts, and share them to others. To learn more about persecution in the first centuries, read The Great Controversy by Ellen White at Source:
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