ANN brings you the latest events from the Adventist community: Heroes 2 has a new world champion from the Philippines—Ian Segui, 14 years old. Segui beat more than 300 competitors, including his father, who tried to qualify for the championship. The Heroes 2 World Championship was held in conjunction with the Global Virtual Campmeeting from May 19 through May 22. The players went through different rounds, including a semi-final round, before 16 players from other parts of the world came together to compete in the Heroes World Championship on May 23. In North America, a special symposium called “ Is the COVID Vaccine Trustworthy? A Biblical Conversation About Science” was held on May 15 and sponsored by the North American Division. The symposium was hosted by Breath of Life director Carlton Byrd and speaker and director for Faith for Today, Roy Ice. The special symposium included healthcare professionals, communication experts, and church theologians discussing the interconnectedness of the Bible and science. It aired on Hope Channel, the NAD Facebook page, and the NAD YouTube channel. In Papua New Guinea, small groups have flourished in a year when most of the world came to a halt due to the COVID-19 crisis. The Eastern Highlands Simbu Mission experienced tremendous growth in new members, with more than 5,100 small groups starting in 2019 – 2020. Nearly 100,000 people were involved in these groups, and there were more than 13,000 baptisms in 2020. AdventHealth Orlando organized a moving tribute to organ donors with spinning pinwheels across its campus lawn as a way to spread awareness of the importance of organ donation. There are 217 pinwheels displayed at the AdventHealth Orlando lawn, representing 217 organ donors in East Central Florida last year. The Adventist Development and Relief Agency in Canada works to help refugees in Myanmar with sanitation supplies and education during COVID-19. Refugees from Myanmar have been living in camps along the Thailand border for over 30 years. Adventist Mission shares a story about a tour guide from Siem Reap, Cambodia, who has a unique story of his Christian faith journey. It is another testimony that proves that we can share God’s love through almost any job, hobby, or talent that God has entrusted to everyone. More incredible stories from ANN to be told in today’s news as you watch the video. For more inspiring stories and current events, visit ANN. Source:
Promises of God [What if We Looked at God’s Commandments as Promises? Pastor Wilson]
The Sabbath is like a temple in time—sanctified, blessed, made holy by God Himself. And it is so rich and deep in its meaning, pointing to God as the Creator of heaven and earth, and "the sea and springs of water," as we read in Revelation 14:7.
And as we "rest from our labors as God rested from His," we are reminded that it is much more than a physical rest–it symbolizes a deep, spiritual rest, as explained in Hebrews 4:8, 9— "There remains therefore a rest for the people of God. For he who has entered His rest has himself also ceased from his works as God did from His. Isn't it interesting that in the very heart of the Ten Commandments, specifically in the fourth, we find rest? Rest from our labors. Rest from worry and care. Rest from trying to save ourselves. And, in fact, perhaps that is a good way to look at God's instructions–as given in the Ten Commandments–as a whole? Rather than seeing them as some strict list of–"You better not do this," "you better not do that"–instead we saw them as promises of what we can become through Christ, our living Savior?
In 1 John 5:2-5 we read the following amazing promise: "By this we know that we love the children of God, when we love God and keep His commandments. For this is the love of God, that we keep His commandments. And His commandments are not burdensome. For whatever is born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world–our faith" (1 John 5:2-5).
Did you catch that? Victory comes through faith! Faith in the blood and saving power of our Lord, Jesus Christ! Did you ever stop to consider—What if God's law was a law of love, and not of obligation? What if it's not a series of dos and don'ts, but Ten Promises for a better life?
These questions were asked by a young Seventh-day Adventist by the name of Grant Steinweg, who wrote the following on his Facebook page: "God never asks us to obey without giving us access to the power to do so. And this power doesn't reside inherently in human nature but comes from outside our proud hearts. The power is in the word of God itself. It is the same word that said, 'Let there be light' and there was light, and said, 'Let Us make mankind in Our image,' and the human race was born. In the same way that God creates, He also redeems. Thus, the very law that to some may seem a burden or obligation contains within it the very power to heal and to restore." Source:
Learn About the Trinity
God the Father is supreme and is all-powerful. His Son, Jesus, came to earth as both God and human to save us from eternal death. The Holy Spirit, just as much a person as He is God, leads us to truth. Working together as one God, the Trinity is the Source of all things good. This video will help you understand this beautiful truth about God. Blog: ___
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Juan R. Prestol-Puesán: Delightful Life Lessons from a Devoted Servant of God
Juan Prestol-Puesán was born in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, to parents who were both French. Despite not being raised by Adventist parents, he had a grandmother who was a devout Adventist. He remembers knowing God from the beginning because of her. He had attended church and Pathfinders since his childhood, and when he started school in eighth grade, he was exposed to Bible classes, where he discovered many beauties about God. Since he was young, he knew God was working in his life. Since 2007, he has served as the General Conference of the Seventh-day Adventist Church's undertreasurer and treasurer. He has worked in the Adventist Church's treasury for nearly 50 years. He will be retiring in August 2021. He hopes that the church fulfills its mission and will serve as a foundation for someone else after all of his years of service. Though he will miss working with the General Conference, he is confident that the church is in good hands and that God has been preparing whoever will succeed him for quite some time. Watch the video to learn more about Puesán's life lessons and financial advice. Source:
Covenant Law. God`s Everlasting Covenant lesson 8 | Sabbath School
God’s law was an integral part of the covenant. Yet, it was a true covenant of grace. Grace, however, never nullifies the need for law. On the contrary, law is a means by which grace is manifested and expressed in the lives of those who receive grace. Sabbath School Lessons – God`s Everlasting Covenant. Week 8, study this lesson for May 22 To follow our official social media accounts, just follow the links below:
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