Catch the latest Adventist news: The Seventh-day Adventist Church leaders and Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) acted immediately to assist the victims of Hurricane Eta’s onslaught at Guatemala and Honduras last November 3-4. Adventist churches were mobilized to help in food and water rations, clothing, hygiene kits, and financial assistance. ADRA also teams up with other organizations for a greater response. Adventist Foundation and ADRA Aids Earthquake Victims in Turkey and Greece A 6.9 magnitude earthquake rocked Turkey and Greece last October 30, leaving more than 100 casualties and more than 900 injured. The Seventh-day Adventist Foundation teamed up with the ADRA to offer ground support. They started giving food vouchers and they coordinated with authorities for needs assessments and management. Adventists Initiate Prayer Actions Against Terrorism in Vienna, Austria As a response to the recent terrorist attack in Vienna, Austria, Austrian Adventist Church President Reinhard Schwab urged local congregations for prayer actions. According to him, the call for prayer movement seeks the best for the city at the same time, condemning the reckless violence that the gunman did last November 2. Abducted ADRA Workers Released in Congo After four days of being held against their will, two aid relief workers of ADRA were released last November 3 by anonymous captors in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Together with an unidentified person, they were abducted while they were returning from the Mulongwe refugee camp in South Kivu province. ADRA worked closely with local authorities to address the issue. The agency condemns these attacks and calls for justice. ADRA Responds as Five Tropical Storms Hit Southeast Asia Over the past months, Philippines, Cambodia, and Vietnam are heavily battered with torrential rains over the past months. The flooding in the region prompted ADRA to reach out and meet the victims’ urgent needs. Up to this time, the agency continues to help in the region’s recovery. Tune in for these news and other features. Please pray and intercede as the Holy Spirit urges your heart while you’re watching. Source:
Pastor Wilson: What are We Willing to Sacrifice for Mission?
Pastor Ted Wilson reminds us of a wonderful opportunity to participate in the Annual #Sacrifice Offering on Sabbath, November 14. How can sacrifice be a blessing? Here is an interesting story about something that happened about 100 years ago. In the early 1900s, Adventist missionary work was thriving. Missionaries were leaving their homes in great numbers, traveling to faraway places to share Jesus’ love, and the important messages given by the three angels of Revelation 14. Then, tragically, the 1918 Spanish flu pandemic struck, killing millions of people and plunging the economy into a deep recession. Tithes and offerings dropped, and there wasn’t enough money to continue supporting the missionaries. Church leaders were afraid they would have to recall them. So, during the Annual Council meetings of the General Conference Executive Committee, held September 20 to 27, 1922, in Kansas City, Missouri, the delegates prayerfully decided to ask church members to give a sacrificial one week’s wage to cover the quarter of a million-dollar budget deficit that year. In spite of the difficult conditions of the early 1920s, members responded by giving more than $350,000 over the following year to what became known as the Annual Week of Sacrifice Offering. The sacrifice that our world church membership of just 208,771 Seventh-day Adventists made back in 1922 is remarkable when their contribution is translated into today’s dollars. If we adjust for inflation, that contribution of $350,000 back then is equivalent to more than $4 million dollars today in purchasing power! Now, nearly 100 years later, our church faces a similar crisis as COVID-19 shatters lives and the economy. As mission offerings decrease, the future ministry of Global Mission pioneers is uncertain. These mostly local missionaries specialize in reaching the world’s most difficult to reach people groups for Jesus. As history repeats itself, can we, as a church, repeat a heartfelt, sacrificial response to keep our missionaries on the front lines? Over the years, this offering has continued, with 100 percent of the offering going to frontline Global Mission work for planting churches in unreached and under-reached parts of the world and among new people groups. What are we willing to sacrifice for mission? Perhaps sacrifice isn’t the best word after all. Because, indeed, this “sacrifice” is actually a blessing! In Proverbs 11:25 we read: “The generous soul will be made rich, and he who waters will also be watered himself.” If you would like to join in and be a part of this wonderful opportunity to give to the Annual Sacrifice Offering, I encourage you to visit where you will have the opportunity to click “Give Online” and choose “Global Mission’s Annual Sacrifice Offering.” 00:00 Greetings
00:16 Sacrifice Offering on Sabbath
00:42 What happened 100 years ago?
03:09 Nearly 100 years later
04:14 Pastor's Sermon
06:14 How to join in and be a part of this wonderful opportunity?
06:42 Pasto's Prayer To follow our official social media accounts, just follow the links below:
How Can We Be Effective Leaders?
#Leadership is important in the Church, in a business, and in families. How can we be effective #leaders in the different aspects of our lives? Are there traits that certain leaders have that make them great? Find out in this newest episode of #ANN In-Depth! This week we are joined by Brad Forbes. Brad is the President of AdventSource. AdventSource is the official leadership resource center for the Seventh-day Adventist Church in North America. They provide local church leaders with quality Christian resources. Their vision is for local church leaders to be energized by a loving relationship with Jesus Christ, empowered by resources and training to use their spiritual gifts. Learn more about AdventSource at ____ To follow our official social media accounts, just follow the links below:
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The Ten Commandments: A Guide to Purposeful Daily Living
Would applying the Ten Commandments to daily life change society? What's happened to the values of yesteryear? How has society become so self-centered, disrespectful, and entitled? Is there a better way? Is it possible that we've forgotten our most foundational values? There is a different path, and this program, "The Way," reveals that journey. This master class will explore the Ten Commandments, what they mean, how they apply, and if they have any significance in the life of a Christian. This is the fourth episode in the AWR Master Class series called Unlocking Bible Prophecies. You can follow the series and interact LIVE at: ABOUT CAMI OETMAN
Ten years ago, Cami Oetman had a real encounter with God that would change her life forever. She was a successful entrepreneur at the time, and the transition wasn't easy. However, the truth Cami will share in this series was so compelling that she knew every human being in the world should experience the love of Jesus as she had. Within three years, she had preached 350 Bible presentations. Today, as a vice president for Adventist World Radio, Cami travels the world documenting the miracles that take place when people give their hearts to Jesus. It may seem difficult to imagine yourself understanding Bible prophecy. Cami couldn’t either. She had spent two decades in the modeling world—in front of and behind the camera. She had also used her master’s degree in social work to care for hospice patients. She then started a successful retail business. But no one can predict how they will react when they have a real experience with God! THE WAY
While in today’s world, everyone seems to have a different definition of what is right and wrong, God has outlined a clear standard for morality. In Exodus chapter 20, God has given us the Ten Commandments to show us the way to love and freedom. The first four commandments show us how to have a relationship with God, while the last six commandments deal with our relationships with each other. In the first four commandments, we find that God desires us to acknowledge Him as our Creator and to give Him first place in our lives (Commandment #1). He desires that we worship Him “in spirit and in truth” (John 4:24) rather than through man-made idols (Commandment #2). God asks us to respect His name as a sign of our loyalty to Him (Commandment #3). Furthermore, God asks us to keep His Sabbath day holy and spend a 24-hour period in worship and thanksgiving with Him (Commandment #4). The last six commandments admonish us to honor our parents (Commandment #5); refrain from acts of harm such as hate, anger, revenge and murder (Commandment #6); stay true to our marriage vows (Commandment #7); not take anything that is not rightfully ours (Commandment #8); not involve ourselves in lying or gossiping (Commandment #9); and be content with what we have—trusting that God will provide everything we need (Commandment #10). God’s law is like a wall of protection, prohibiting us from falling into one of the many land mines of sin. It is God’s desire for us to be happy and live in peace. Obeying God’s rules will save us from learning things the hard way, but by themselves, they won't give us a personal experience with God. In fact, a list of rules without having an actual experience with God can be a miserable experience. The reason we obey is not because we are trying to earn God’s favor. It’s the response of our love for Him. Will you choose to follow His way today? Have questions? Need prayer? Visit us at MB01RJDZVO6TV5H Source:–o0GF3hA
3 End Time Warnings from the Book of Revelation that Bring Hope!
We have seen polarizing politics, increased hate crimes, hunger for power, and the oppression of the poor. Is there a lasting solution to all of these problems? Could the book of Revelation bring us hope for these end-times? "The Warning" provides a framework for understanding that there is a day of reckoning and you can be safe amid the chaos. The book of Revelation presents the gospel message as the good news of Jesus' saving grace. That good news also comes in the form of a somber warning that there is an end coming in which the world will be judged. God calls for each of us to be ready. This is the third episode in the AWR Master Class series called Unlocking Bible Prophecies. You can follow the series and interact LIVE at: ABOUT CAMI OETMAN
Ten years ago, Cami Oetman had a real encounter with God that would change her life forever. She was a successful entrepreneur at the time, and the transition wasn't easy. However, the truth Cami will share in this series was so compelling that she knew every human being in the world should experience the love of Jesus as she had. Within three years, she had preached 350 Bible presentations. Today, as a vice president for Adventist World Radio, Cami travels the world documenting the miracles that take place when people give their hearts to Jesus. It may seem difficult to imagine yourself understanding Bible prophecy. Cami couldn’t either. She had spent two decades in the modeling world—in front of and behind the camera. She had also used her master’s degree in social work to care for hospice patients. She then started a successful retail business. But no one can predict how they will react when they have a real experience with God! THE WARNING
Do you seek relief from the things you've done wrong? Are you searching for peace in place of anxiety and fear? You're not alone. In this look at what God says about the end of time, you'll leave your fears behind and find new hope in God’s love for you! God has often sent warnings before disasters strike. Inspired by God, Noah warned of a worldwide flood that destroyed the earth, just as Joseph forewarned Pharaoh of a devastating famine. And God has sent another warning to you and me to prepare for the end of time. In Revelation 14:6-9, we find this final message of warning. The good news is that it is wrapped in God’s love for us. It is known as the “everlasting gospel"—a message reminding us that God willingly let His only Son be put to death to pay for our sins. How encouraging! Though we must face God’s judgment, He has provided a way to ensure our forgiveness through Jesus! And this forgiveness also opens the door for eternal life with Him in heaven! The first angel gives the warning to “fear God” and “give glory to Him.” These instructions show our need to obey God’s law and to follow His teachings for how to live our lives. (Also see Ecclesiastes 12:13 and 1 Corinthians 10:31.) Next, the angel turns to the issue of worship. You see, we live in an age where millions reject God as our Creator. In this message of warning, God is calling the world to worship him as our Creator God. Why is this message so important? The angel says that “the hour of His judgment is come.” This indicates that God is doing the judging now. A time of investigation is taking place before Jesus comes so that He will know who gets the reward of eternal life. (See Revelation 22:12.) Could it be that we are living in this time of judgment? Is our future being decided by the choices we make today? This can be scary to think about, right? The good news is that God has warned us ahead of time. We don't need to be afraid. He wants us to be ready and has opened the way for us to have everlasting life! The second and third angels focus on truth and error. Many people are being misled by following the false teachings of men rather than listening to God’s Word. The warnings of these two angels are some of the most serious in all of the Bible. Don't worry. In upcoming videos, we will look into the meaning of Babylon and the Mark of the Beast. Just remember that God’s Word is our source of safety and truth! (See John 17:17.) The key takeaway from this final warning is that you can be prepared to stand before God in this judgment. Through the messages of the three angels, God has provided a way for the world to be ready when He returns to earth. God is preparing a group of people who will worship Him as Creator. They will obey Him because they love Him. And this group of individuals will stand up for Jesus no matter what happens. Have you come to a place where you want to give your life to God? Do you want forgiveness, peace, and the assurance of God’s love? Take this moment and give Him your heart! Have questions? Need prayer? Visit us at MB01FABNJQBROMQ Source:
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