The mission starts now! We need your help to achieve #5Kin5days Source:
Pastor Ted Wilson Shares a Special Message on Jesus’ Return
What a privilege to connect with you again. You know, this morning you and I woke up again for another day of life. God's great blessing. Be encouraged, during this #COVID-19 #pandemic, that #God is going to bless you in a marvelous way as we reintegrate into society. As this #coronavirus subsides, God will use you to witness for him in Total Member Involvement. Focus on #Christ and heaven and eternal truths and values, eternal values. "Don't let the world around you," as Romans chapter 12:2 says in Phillips Translation, "don't let the world around you squeeze you into its own mold.” Look to Jesus! Jesus is coming soon! Last week we talked about #Jesus coming and the first part of Matthew 24, and I'd like to look at a second section of Matthew 24, verses 15 to 31. We'll cover a few of those verses. It says sin verse 15-24, great chapter on Christ's second-coming, “Therefore when you see the abomination of desolation spoken of by Daniel, the prophet standing in the Holy Place (whoever reads, let him understand), then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains." Now, Jesus was speaking specifically about the attack of the Roman army on Jerusalem in 70 a D. But as the chapter continues, it moves into a second phase, an application of the second coming of Jesus Christ. Many of the things that the Christians were to be aware of during this attack on Jerusalem in 70AD, are also things that we can look forward to in terms of God protecting us. It says there, "let him who was on the house stop, not go down to take anything out of his house, don't go back from the field to get your clothes." Those kinds of things tell us of the urgency, the watchfulness, that we must have in looking for the great event of Jesus coming. And of course, this was also applying to those in Jerusalem because they were not to let anything distract them, and that is the main point. Be focused on eternal values. And then it says, “pray that your flight may not be in winter or on the Sabbath.” Pray that God will guide us in all things, he'll protect us regardless of what may happen. Then it says, “don’t believe if people say,” verse 23, “here is the Christ or there, don't believe it for false Christs and false prophets,” verse 24, “will rise and show great signs and wonders to deceive if possible even the elect.” God wants to protect us from the deception of the devil and all those who are going to try to deceive us in a very terrible way. Even the elect, even those who are connected with the Lord. So stay close to the #Bible and understand what God has in store for you as you read His word. Then it says, “Look in the desert. No, don't go out to see them. Don't believe it. For as the lightening,” this is verse 27, “for as the lightening comes from the east and flashes to the west, so also will be the coming of the Son of Man or will the coming of the Son of Man be.” This is what is going to happen. It's going to be a visible thing. You're going to be able to see Jesus. Everyone will see him at the same time. And then in verse 29 it says, “immediately after the tribulation of those days, the sun will be darkened and the moon will not give its light. The stars will fall from heaven and the powers of the heavens will be shaken and we know that those signs have already taken place. Then the sign of the Son of Man will appear in heaven,” this is verse 30, “and then all the tribes of the earth will mourn and they will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. And He will send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet and they will gather together, His elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other.” I want to be there that day. God will help us as we prepare through his grace in sharing with others about Christ’s soon coming. Listen to the Great Controversy, page 640 and going on to 641, “Soon there appears in the East of small black cloud about half the size of a man's hand. It is the cloud which surrounds the Savior in which seems in the distance to be shrouded in darkness. The people of God know this to be the sign of the Son of Man. In solemn silence, they gaze upon it as it draws near the earth becoming lighter and more glorious until it is a great white cloud. It's base a glory like consuming fire and above it the rainbow of the covenant. Jesus rides forth as a mighty conqueror.” What a day that will be, and it's coming soon. Let me pray with you, "Father in heaven guide us now as we look forward to that great day when Jesus will return and until that time, help us to be involved with others and helping them to know Jesus is wonderful. Righteousness is beautiful Bible truths and his second coming. A wonderful event that will take place. Lord, protect each of us. Help us to be part of total member involvement, sharing with others that Jesus is coming soon. In Christ's name, we ask it. Amen." Source:
Become an Adventist Digital Missionary 🙏. Right Now!
You can become an Adventist Digital Missionary right now. Why? With AWR's imminent launch of a worldwide online prophecy series #UBP20, we need to mobilize a huge digital task force in a very short time. As a new digital missionary, your first mission is to encourage 5 more friends to join us on this exciting adventure! #5kin5days #TMIonline #allinthistogether Share this URL Source:
Sabbath School Lesson: From the Stormy Sea to the Clouds of Heaven
This week, we will study the dream in #Daniel 7. Daniel’s dream shows us the same truth as Nebuchadnezzar’s dream in Daniel 2. But Daniel’s dream gives us more information. (1) Daniel sees the sea. Wind stirs the water from every direction. The water helps us remember the earth before God gave it shape and filled it with life. At that time, the earth was empty and covered in darkness (read Genesis 1:2). In Daniel’s dream, the wind makes the water rough. (2) The animals in Daniel’s dream are mixed with other animals. They also are not clean. So, the animals in Daniel’s dream are not anything God made when He made the earth. (3) The animals take control of people and kingdoms on the earth. So, we can see that these animals steal the power that God gave to Adam. (4) Jesus, the Son of Man, comes and gives the kingdom back to the people it belongs to. Jesus wins back everything that Adam lost in the Garden of Eden. This information helps us to see the big picture of the signs used in Daniel’s dream. An angel helps explain the most important parts so we can understand it. Sabbath School Lesson 8: Source:
Sabbath School Lesson: When God Made the Earth Part 2
Many famous thinkers in the past read the #Bible. They learned how #God made the earth. This Bible truth made them excited to learn more about nature. So, they started to explore God’s work. Their research led to the start of modern science. Some of these scientists were Johannes #Kepler, Isaac #Newton, John Ray, and Robert Boyle. These scientists believed that their work showed humans even more about the work that God made. After the French Revolution, #science changed. Scientists stopped believing in God. Scientists did not include God in their work. Charles #Darwin made this new idea popular in his book On the Origin of Species (1859). Since that time, science has moved far away from the Bible. Because of this, people no longer believe in the #Genesis story. They say it is a made-up story that does not show us real history.
Does the Bible teach that idea? Was the Bible’s story about how life started on this earth a story that God’s people took from the people around them? Or does the story in Genesis really show us a view about how life started? Can we trust the Bible? Is its information true?
These are some of the questions we will answer in this week’s lesson. Sabbath School Lesson 9: Source:
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