Is saying OMG, "Oh My God", "Oh My Gosh", or "Gee Whiz" akin to taking the Lord's Name in vain? – Visit our Bible Question Archive on our website here:
– You can download this clip from our media library here: Join Pastor Doug Sunday at 7:00pm Pacific. Call 1-800-GOD-SAYS during the broadcast to have your question answered live on the air! Find a broadcast in your area using our station locator: Download the free book 'The Name of God' here: Transcript
Pr. Doug: I'm going to go to Tammy, you're on the air? Tammy in Berkeley California? Tammy: Hi. Pr. Doug: Hi. Thanks. Thank you. Tammy: I'm here. Thank you very much. I love everything you do. I love you guys with the program and I've learned so much from the online Bible study or school that you guys have. Pr. Doug: Wonderful. Tammy: We had Bible trivia at church, I was nearly unstoppable. Thank you, to God be the glory. Pr. Doug: Wonderful. Hey, how can we help you, Tammy? What's your question? Tammy: Yes. I'm always concerned about using the Lord's name in vain. I know that we're not supposed to, absolutely. It's very clear in the 10 commandments about that. I think is the third one, or am I mistaken? I was listening to the Radio Metro show, your show wasn't on yet, but it was another show. They said that if you say, "Oh my God, or gosh, or things like that, that's using the Lord's name in vain." I'm like, "Oh my gosh." I've heard people say, "Oh, Jesus Christ." I'm just like– I can imagine if you say the GD word which I don't use, but- Pr. Doug: You're wondering, is that taking the Lord's name in vain? Tammy: Yes, the GD word I know that's definitely. Pr. Doug: Let me address that before we run out of time. First of all, not taking the Lord's name in vain, it means when you say you're a Christian, you take God's name. If you're going to say you're a Christian and you don't live like a Christian, you're taking His name in vain. You see? To take a person's name in vain means that you say, "I belong to this person." Like it used to be, not so much more as it used to be, but a woman would marry a man she'd take his last name. If she takes his last name and she runs around with another man, she's taking his name in vain. That's one understanding, but it certainly does include that you should never take the name of the Lord, and they used to make vows, and they'd make oaths, and they'd make promises, and they'd use the Lord's name. You should never use the Lord's name in an oath, or a vow, or a promise, and then break it. Then also, it is certainly true that we should never take the name of the Almighty on our lips irreverently. That's probably what this other pastor was talking about. Without seeing the program I don't exactly know, but from what you said, I'm inclined to agree. I don't like when people say, "Gee whiz," because that's a derivative of saying Jesus name. Or they say, "Gosh." I know it's a habit with so many people. I used to have that habit when I first came to the Lord. Don't worry, the Holy Spirit can help you break that habit. Whenever we're using an experlative like that, Jesus said, "Let your yes be yes and your no be no." We don't need to say these things where we're not only directly taking God's name in vain using His literal name, but even using derivatives of it. I agree. I think that it's wrong. I hear kids and their– Even in church, I hear kids say, "Gosh," and I wince. I say, "What does that mean?" They don't even think about it. They don't know what it means. I say you try to educate them and say that's a derivative of wanting to say God's name in vain or some other form of it. Tammy: Because people, we have a bad–saying, "Oh my God." We have a really bad habit. Pr. Doug: People say it on the news. You hear it on television. Every time I hear it, I wince a little bit. Hey, I tell you what? We're almost out of time, but I want to give you something, Tammy, that I think will help you. I wrote a little book. It's easy to read. It's a little book called The Name of God. It's called The Name of God. If you've got a pen handy, Tammy, you waited a long time, I want to send you a free copy. Just write down this toll-free number 800-835-6747, ask for the book, The Name of God. 800-835-6747, and I'll send you a free copy. Source:
Are All Foods Now Clean?
Is it ok to eat unclean foods now like pork, shrimp, catfish and the like? – Visit our Bible Question Archive on our website here:
– You can download this clip from our media library here: Join Pastor Doug Sunday at 7:00pm Pacific. Call 1-800-GOD-SAYS during the broadcast to have your question answered live on the air! Find a broadcast in your area using our station locator: Download the free book 'Death in the Kitchen' here: Transcript
Pastor Doug: We're going to try line number one now. Doc, are you on the air? Doc: Yes I am Pastor Doug. Pastor Doug: Hi, thank you and your call tonight? Doc: It has to do with the food laws. This time of the year, there's a lot of get-togethers and a lot of stuff laid out on the table. Tonight I even saw something I've never seen before, a double egg with a crispy piece of bacon sticking out of it. I haven't read Leviticus and there was a pork and shellfish and knowing something about biology that all these animals are scavengers and if it was toxic back then, it stands a reason to me that it's toxic now and when I try to bring this Leviticus up they say that had to do with the Jews and that Paul changed all that. I don't think Paul changed the biology of these animals, so I don't know what to say to these individuals scripture-wise. Pastor Doug: Let me give you a couple of thoughts, Doc. First of all, the distinction between clean animals and unclean animals goes back before the Jews. You remember that when God told Noah to take the animals on the ark, everybody sings a song that they came two by two but if you read it in the Bible it says the unclean animals came by two, the clean animals came by sevens. Doc: Yes, I've read that. Pastor Doug: Now, was Noah Jewish? Because everybody in the world is related to Noah today, right? The whole world is repopulated by Noah and his family. God even told Noah there's a distinction– What's that? Doc: The three sons and the daughter-in-laws. Pastor Doug: That's right, and so everybody is related to Noah. If God made a distinction between clean and unclean for Noah, then you will, you would think that it still applies today. There's another verse you can read in Acts Chapter 10 where when Peter has his vision and this sheet full of unclean animals comes down from heaven and God says, "Arise, kill and eat," Peter says, "Not so Lord, I've never eaten anything common or unclean." This is three and a half years later after Christ has died, Peter still says we've never eaten anything unclean and he never does take anything from the sheet. Later God shows him the vision is because he should not call the Gentiles unclean and Peter says God has shown me not to call any man, commoner, unclean. The vision had nothing to do with food and yet Peter says, "I've never eaten anything unclean." You can read in Isaiah chapter– I think it's chapter 66. It says, "For with fire and with my sword, I will plea with all flesh and the slain of the Lord will be many in that day." It says, " Those that sanctify themselves and purify themselves behind a tree, eating the abomination, the mouse and the swine are going to be consumed by the Lord when He comes." Here it's saying that it's comparing eating pigs with eating rats or mice. They're scavengers in spite of what some people say that you can just prayer over it now, in the New Testament whatever you pray over is clean that's really not a very strong argument because no parent would accept that from their child. Their child cannot eat ice cream Sunday for breakfast and say but I'm just going to pray over it. We all know that you can't mock God, you're going to sow what you reap and whatever you eat, there's consequences for what you eat. The verses where Paul talks about praying over your food, it has nothing to do with pork, pork is never mentioned in those verses. Paul is talking about things sacrificed to idols, we don't have to worry about that. If you eat food in a Chinese restaurant, they got a Buddha statue in the restaurant doesn't mean your food is going to suddenly be spirit possessed. That's what Paul is talking about, they had those concerns back then. You're on the right track. Hey, you know, I've got a study I can send you Doc for free and it's called God's Health Plan and it's got all the verses that you're looking for in one study. Would you like a copy of that? Doc: I sure would. Pastor Doug: Just dial this number, it's separate from this studio number. It's an 800 number 835-6747, 800-835-6747, ask for God's Free Health Plan, they'll send it to you for free and nobody will pester you. Doc: God bless, thanks for your ministry. Source:
Is Fornication Always a Sin?
– Visit our Bible Question Archive on our website here:
– You can download this clip from our media library here: Is sex before marriage always wrong? What if the couple is very committed to each other? Are there any exceptions to this? Join Pastor Doug Sunday at 7:00pm Pacific. Call 1-800-GOD-SAYS during the broadcast to have your question answered live on the air! Find a broadcast in your area using our station locator: Transcript
Pastor Doug: Hi Enoch, welcome. Enoch: Hey, thanks for taking my call. So here’s what I’m going to say to make it very quick. Marriage seem like a business to me, how do we know for a fact, that when the bible talks about fornication, that it means, sex before marriage being a sin? Because I consider some sex before marriage a sin but what if it is a guy and a girl that are very, very faithful to each other, and you can have 2 people who are married and cheat on each other constantly. So is sex before marriage really a sin because I think it’s absurd to say it is? What are your thoughts Doug? Pastor Doug: Well you’ll think I’m absurd, but it’s pretty consistent in the bible that, that, becoming one flesh and joining together in Marriage, it even says “that Joseph knew not Mary, until Jesus was born” because, you know, there was something sacred about that, but the idea of 2 people coming together in sexual intimacy like that was, these 2 people threw an act of love, they’re becoming one flesh, they co, they procreate in their own image by combining who they are, the cells come together and, it’s just a miracle, how 2 people, 2 separate individuals can combine their essence somehow, and it becomes another person, a child in their image, and that’s one of the ways that God made man in His image, is that man is able to procreate in his own image, though love. So, for people to recklessly use that gift in that sacred, it’s, you know, sex is a good thing, within marriage, but to use it just for selfish gratification, without the protection of a family, you can look in our culture today and saw these kids that are born in families, not always, but largely because of promiscuity, and they grow up without fathers, sometimes without mothers and that was never God’s plan, we need that whole unit. Enoch: I mean, I agree with you on that, in that sense but, like what if, you know, I have a girl, a girlfriends, like a very serious girlfriend and I don’t. Pastor Doug: But why don’t you get married, why don’t you wait? Enoch: Because it just doesn’t seem. Pastor Doug: It’s hard. Enoch: It seems like a business, it just seems like a business. Pastor Doug: (Laughing) Enoch: I don’t know, it just doesn’t seem right. Pastor Doug: Well it’s a sacred ceremony, if you want to call it a business but, you know, it tells us that were planned, you look in the bible, with Jacob, “He worked 7 years and waited for Rachel, he worked and waited 7 years for his wedding night because, you know, he needed to kind of earned the right and to be able to have that relationship”. So, you know, in the bible, it’s pretty clear that, when 2 people come together. In some countries, when people came together without the benefit of ceremony, they were declared married because they just said, “Look, if you’re going to have that kind of relationship that has the potential of producing children, you need to become a family unit and get married”. I would wonder, why would you want to have that kind of a relationship with a woman, if you don’t want to marry that? Enoch: Okay. Pastor Doug: So, you know, the bible is pretty clear on this, both New and Old Testament, and we do have, actually a book we can send you, I just wrote, well, it’s been a few months now, but it’s talking about, “Marriage, Divorce, and Remarriage”, it just talks about, purpose of marriage is addressed in that book. We’ll send you a free copy Enoch, if you call the number. Pastor Jëan Ross: The number is 800-8356747; you can ask for the book “Marriage, Divorce, and Remarriage”, number again, 800-8356747. Source:
Did Jesus Make Alcohol?
– Visit our Bible Question Archive on our website here:
– You can download this clip from our media library here: Is it ok for a Christian to drink alcohol? Join Pastor Doug Sunday at 7:00pm Pacific. Call 1-800-GOD-SAYS during the broadcast to have your question answered live on the air! Find a broadcast in your area using our station locator: Read the book 'The Christian and Alcohol' on our website here: Transcript
Pastor Doug: Christie, you're on the air with Bible Answers Live. Christie: Hi, thank you. I'm calling to ask about, you guys were talking earlier about the water into wine or grape juice but I was wondering if you can explain that a bit more how it would be grape juice and not wine because I was always told that what made it such a great miracle was that, because wine takes time to ferment and Jesus could turn the water into wine right away. Pastor Doug: I don't know that it would be any easier to turn water into fermented grape juice then it would be to turn it into unfermented grape juice. The chemical difference between water and grape juice is pretty astounding to just speak the word and have that change. The reason I don't believe that it was fermented is the word wine in the Bible. You're not going to find the word grape juice anywhere in the Bible. It's always called wine because the word wine comes from an ancient word and it means the juice of the vine. Christie: I'm sorry. The juice of what? Pastor Doug: The vine. Like a grape vine. Christie: Oh, [crosstalk] Pastor Doug: It's a similar root word. You're not going to find a place where it says grape juice. You do find places in the Bible where it says, "You don't put new wine." What is new wine? New wine is grape juice, right? "You don't put new wine in old wineskins," because the new grape juice will expand and it bursts the skins. That's what Jesus said. Jesus compared his teaching to new wine, grape juice. You can read in Isaiah; I think it's 65 it says, "For as the new wine is in the cluster." Well, if it's still in the cluster, it's not fermented yet. In the original Greek here where it's talking about the grape juice, let me give you one more verse that I think is proof for that. At the Last Supper, there was bread and wine, correct? You know what Jesus said, He said, "I will not drink," and this is in Matthew, "I will not drink of the fruit of the vine again until I drink it with you new in my Father's kingdom." He specifically says, "I'll drink it with you new," meaning it'll be new wine. Old wine, you can get old wine all year long. Fermented wine, you can get any time of year. You can only get grape juice. Back then they didn't have Welch's grape juice. You can only get fresh grape juice around the time of the harvest. That's why at the wedding, they were amazed. They said, "You've saved the best for last." They didn't mean the hard stuff. Now, I've got a book I wrote on that because it's a really good question and people struggle with it and I'll send it to you for free. Then you also just need to ask this question Christie, would Jesus after people have been at a wedding feast for several days, would he make 30 gallons of booze? Look at what happens at weddings after people have had too much to drink. In some weddings, have gotten off to a really bad start because of the drinking that happens. Christie: That's right, yes. Pastor Doug: Typically, wine, the Bible says, "Wine is a mocker, strong drink is raging. Whoever is deceived thereby is not wise." That's setting proverbs 22. Let me send you the book called, Alcohol & the Christian. All you got to do is call this number. They'll take down your address, they'll send it to you. It's that easy. You can even read it online for free right now, at the Amazing Facts website. Just type in Doug Batchelor, Alcohol & the Christian. You just Google that, you'll find it and it'll– Christie: Thank you so much. Pastor Doug: All right. Appreciate your call. By the way, if you want a copy to hold it's 800-835-6747. Source:
Is Sunday Worship a Part of the New Covenant?
When was Sunday worship ratified? For more information about the Sabbath visit our Sabbath Truth website here: This segment is excerpted from a longer sermon given by Joe Crews. You can watch the full sermon on our website here: ––pt–1
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