According to a UNESCO report, girls around the world tend to spend more time on social media than boys. How is this harming their mental and emotional health? Source:
Forgiveness and Freedom
The world is full of stories of people who have been badly hurt by the words and actions of others. Traumatic stress has taken its toll on far too many people. What role does forgiveness play in the healing we are looking for? What is forgiveness? Source:
Are Smartphones Harming Our Children?
By allowing unrestricted continuous access to social media, online video games, and other internet-based activities, are smartphones harming our children? Source:
Amusing Ourselves to Death
Amusement is the very air we breathe, from movies to video games. Are we amusing ourselves to death? Source:
Healing from PTSD after the Killing Fields
Dr. Sereivudh Ly miraculously survived the Cambodian killing fields while he was in his early teens. Working in brutal labour camps deep in the Cambodian jungle, young Serivudh’s life was unexplainably spared time and again, yet once he was set free, he did not want to live. He was filled with anger, bitterness, and hatred; suffering from PTSD, he needed help. Source: