29 January 2025 | The United States excels at caging human beings. With less than 5 percent of the world’s population, we have more than 21 percent of all incarcerated people. Currently, if you include those in our prisons and jails, plus those on probation or parole, about 5.6 million of our fellow-citizens are under […] Source: https://atoday.org/atss-tom-dybdahl-i-was-in-prison-and-you-didnt-see-me/
Deadly Faith Or Saving Grace | Doug Batchelor
➤Subscribe to Doug Batchelor: http://bit.ly/2zptpvf ➤Free Online Bible School: https://bit.ly/31xiNbd ➤Support Amazing Facts: https://www.amazingfacts.org/donate-online?utm_source=SMFBP Check out some more Powerful videos: ➤The Devil's Deadliest Deception: https://bit.ly/2O6DpCc
➤Spiritual Warfare: https://bit.ly/2pAWCT1
➤Hearing the Voice of God: https://bit.ly/2D4souJ Follow us on: ➤Twitter: https://twitter.com/amazingfacts
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Give A Gift of Love
How do you show your love? Give a gift of love today with ADRA's Gift Catalogue! https://adra.ca/gift-catalogue/ Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vDUBGS7EpY0
This Is the Journey of Hope from North Korea to the Philippines
Explore the incredible journey of Adventist World Radio as it transforms lives from the closed walls of North Korea to the vibrant culture of Nepal. How is the everlasting gospel making an impact in diverse regions? Join us in this inspiring narrative and subscribe for more stories of faith in action. #GlobalEvangelism #AdventistWorldRadio #TransformLives #awr #adventistworldradio #short Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_lI4QLLEXzM
Le piccole cose della vita | Past. Roberto Iannò
Sono i piccoli accidenti della vita che ci rendono difficile il cammino della nostra vita. Ecco cosa possiamo fare affinché ritroviamo il sollievo nonostante questo. Prov. 3:5,6 – Confida nel SIGNORE con tutto il cuore e non ti appoggiare sul tuo discernimento. Riconoscilo in tutte le tue vie ed egli appianerà i tuoi sentieri. Meditazione a cura del Past. Roberto Iannò Registrata presso la comunità di Cesena Sabato 25 Gennaio 2025 Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kpqHpH3G_bY
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