Series GENESIS – THE BOOK OF THE BEGINNING with Pastor Kurt Piesslinger, M.A. |
The most difficult examination Abraham has to pass in his old age. |
Memory Text: Genesis 24:1 – Now Abraham was old, well advanced in age; and the Lord had blessed Abraham in all things.
8.0 Introduction
Whatever will happen – God loves you.
8.1 Mount Moriah
Mountains have a special meaning in the Bible. On the peaks important happenings took place.
8.2 God Will Provide
A surprising turning point at the end of the story shows God`s grace.
8.3 The Death of Sarah
The death of a person we have loved is very difficult to handle.
8.4 A Wife for Isaac
Abraham`s wisest servant is on the way for finding a wife for Isaac. His faith in God is excellent.
8.5 A Wife for Abraham
Old people do not want to be lonely. There is a desire for being together with someone you love.
8.6 Summary
Abraham`s life shows his deep faith in God. Therefore he is blessed.
My God bless you today and always.
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